Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 101 – 120 из 129 результатов.
Technological Institute of Guzman
Mission: To offer services of Higher Technological Education, training professionals with integrity, technical and scientific capacity to solve the problems of modernization and co...
Technological Institute of Puerto Vallarta (Tec Valarta)
Мексика, Пуэрто-Вальярта
Technological Institute of Puerto Vallarta (Tec Valarta) founded on 1999
Technological Institute of Zacatecas
Мексика, Сакатекас
The Technological Institute emerges as an educational project aimed at boosting the state's industrial development and meeting the demand for skilled labor required by other areas...
International Center for Prospective and Higher Studies
Мексика, Пуэбла-де-Сарагоса
The International Center for Prospective Studies and Senior, SC (CIPAE) is a private institution that, through the production of knowledge, creates and implements educational model...
Universidad del México Contemporáneo
Мексика, Ixtapaluca
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is a Mexican public university. She is one of the best universities in the world given her extensive academic work.4 5 6 7 In 20...
Higher Technological Institute Huichapan
Мексика, Huichapan
HISTORY OF THE INSTITUTE OF HIGHER TECHNOLOGY The Higher Technology Institute of Uchapana (ITESHU) arises as a result of social demand in the region between the cities of Uchapana...
College of Postgraduates
Мексика, Texcoco de Mora
The College of Postgraduates is a Mexican educational institution dedicated to education, research and linkage in agricultural sciences. It was founded in 1959 , as part of the the...
University Politechnical de Baja California
Мексика, Tecamac de Felipe Villanueva
The Universidad Politécnica de Baja California is a public state university in the state of Baja California. It was created by an executive order signed on January 9, 2006 and publ...
Cajeme Higher Technological Institute
Cajeme faithful to its essence always grows with safe passage and towards a promising horizon. In the nineties a group of Cajemenses aware of the need for Cajeme growth; And the vi...
University Center Isla del Carmen
Мексика, Сьюдад-дель-Кармен
The Center for Higher Education Isla de Carmen (CESIC) begins its formal existence with the appropriate infrastructure, human quality and integral education of the best universitie...
Universidad del Pedregal
The Pedregal lava fields were formed by the eruption of the Xitle volcano around 5000 BC, but there are documented eruptions until 400 AD. The area near what is currently el Pedre...
Inter Centro Universitario Interamericano
Мексика, Мерида
INTER Inter Centro Universitario Interamericano is an educational institution that has been promoting academic degrees for over 20 years that have advanced to business needs and ha...
Center of Industrial Technical Education
Мексика, Гвадалахара
The Center of Industrial Technical Education (CETI) is located in Jalisco with a campus in Guadalajara and Tonala, it is ranked among one of the top Technological Institutes in Mex...
Universidad Euro Hispanoamericana
Мексика, Xalapa de Enriquez
The Universidad Euro Hispanoamericana (UEH) has undergone great changes and transformations over the years, having to face many challenges, which are part of its history and essenc...
Universidad Fray Luca Paccioli
Мексика, Ecatepec de Morelos
The Universidad Fray Luca Paccioli is an institution founded in 1979 with the purpose of providing high quality educational services to the community of Morelos. The location of ou...
Latin American University
Мексика, Морелия
The Latin American University is a private institution of higher and higher education that, through teaching, research, production and dissemination of knowledge and culture, is or...
Universidad Gestalt de Diseño
Мексика, Xalapa de Enriquez
Since 1992, the Gestalt School of Design is an institution of higher studies. However, its origins go back to the year 1987, when it was founded in Xalapa, Veracruz, with an origin...
Ibeoamerican University
Мексика, Санто-Доминго-Теуантепек
Universidad Iberoamericana León is a private, Jesuit university located in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico which was founded in 1978 to extend the reach of Universidad Iberoamericana to t...
Aztec University of Chalco
Мексика, Chalco
The Universidad Azteca is an Institution of Higher and Higher Education, Humanist, Catholic, and inspired by the Life of San Juan Bautista De La Salle, whose mission is the integra...
Banking University of Mexico
Мексика, Teoloyucan
We are a university institution that contributes to the development of integral and proactive people of social and organizational well-being who, through their educational and cult...