Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 41 – 60 из 98 результатов.
University White House
Мексика, Sinaloa de Leyva
The White House University (commonly known as UCB, is a private arts and design university located in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico. It is one of the preeminent institutions of higher...
Universidad Hipocrates
Мексика, Акапулько
At Hippocrates University we are aware of the enormous commitment involved in training current and future generations, who will be responsible for guiding the course of our State a...
University Marista Guadalajara
Мексика, Сапопан
We are a Marist Educational Community that forms competent people, in an integral way, through the generation of experiences of learning, research and extension to contribute in th...
University Chapultepec
Мексика, Benito Juarez
Chapultepec University is an educational institution with more than 37 years of experience. Our campus has graduated more than 3,000 young people, whose academic formation is endow...
Universtiy Modelo
Мексика, Мерида
Universidad Modelo, is a private institution of higher education located in Merida, Yucatan, with two alternate campuses in Valladolid, Yucatan and Chetumal, Quintana Roo. Current...
University in Chimalhuacán, Mexico
Мексика, Santa Maria Chimalhuacan
The raison d'être of the Chimalhuacan Technological Institute of Higher Education is based on the commitment to train successful professionals, without neglecting that this is an i...
University of Professional Development
Мексика, Sonora
UNIDEP is a high-quality institution of higher education, offering baccalaureate and high-school programs, Higher University Technician (TSU), Undergraduate and Postgraduate progra...
Center for Technical and Higher Education
Мексика, Мехикали
The Center for Technical and Higher Education (CETYS University) is a private institution of educational excellence, born in 1961 in Baja California under the auspices of a group o...
Technological Institute of Roque
Мексика, Селая
School is called Instituto Tecnologico de Roque from 2005. It is located six kilometers from the city of Celaya, Guanajuato, Celaya road -. Juventino Rosas. Since its founding in 1...
University of the Californias
Мексика, Тихуана
The UDCI's mission is the integral formation of professionals based on philosophical, ethical, humanistic principles, where the person is the creator and organizer of their social...
Technological Institute of Tehuacán
Мексика, Теуакан
Established in 1975, Instituto Tecnológico de Tehuacán (Technological Institute of Tehuacán) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the small city of Tehuac...
University San Marcos Chiapas
Мексика, Тустла-Гутьеррес
The University System USAM - UTAC took office in 1992 with the creation of one of the first private Universities of our State, San Marcos University campus Tuxtla Gutierrez. The pr...
Technological Institute of Aguascalientes
Мексика, Агуаскальентес
Mission: Contribute to the formation of a more just, humane society with a broad scientific and technological culture through an integrated system of technological higher education...
Institue of technology of Misantla
Мексика, Misantla
The Misantla Higher Technological Institute (ITSM) is a public higher education institution based in the state of Veracruz, Mexico; Depends on the Federal Government through the Mi...
University of Celaya
Мексика, Селая
The University of Celaya is a private university, located in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. Inspired by a non-profit business vision. It was created by the initiative of the engineer...
Technological Institute of Salina Cruz
Мексика, Салина-Крус
Technological Institute of Salina Cruz, formerly Technological 05 Mar (ITMAR 05), started its academic activities primarily as an extension of the Technological Institute of Marine...
University of the West
Мексика, Лос-Мочис
The University of the West is heiress of the liberal and secular tradition of education in Sinaloa. It has its immediate antecedents in the creation of the Center of Superior Studi...
University Oparin
Мексика, Ecatepec de Morelos
Oparin University When you go to Oparin University they tell you that you can use the facilities of the school as the pool for free and at any time but the reality is that you can...
Technological Institute of Uruapan
Мексика, Уруапан
The Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Uruapan is an institution founded on September 7, 1999, which offers a free public education service of quality, and as part of the integral a...
University Mexico of North America
Мексика, Рейноса
The University Mexico of North America, AC, was born from the ideals and heart of Dr. Jorge Brenes Araya, who with a vocation of service always fought for the well-being of others,...