Список университетов по вашим критериям

Показано 61 – 80 из 106 результатов.

University Mexico of North America

Мексика, Рейноса

Доктор философии • 1

The University Mexico of North America, AC, was born from the ideals and heart of Dr. Jorge Brenes Araya, who with a vocation of service always fought for the well-being of others,...

Набор открыт
~ 2 030 $ / год

Catholic University of Culiacan

Мексика, Кульякан

Доктор философии • 1

Our task is that every young person who enters our institution receives a holistic formation that will serve as a basis for their future, forming not only for the school and the im...

Набор открыт
~ 7 875 $ / год

Benemérita and Centenaria Normal School of the State of San Luis Potosí

Мексика, Сан-Луис-Потоси

Доктор философии • 1

The Normal School of the State of San Luis Potosí was created by DECREE No.41 issued by the Constitutional Governor of the State, on March 31 of the same year, which ordered in its...

Набор открыт
~ 3 859 $ / год

Private University del Estado de Morelos

Мексика, Куэрнавака

Доктор философии • 1

Provide comprehensive educational services that generate meaningful learning based on values that fosters the physical and cultural development of the students and encourage the re...

Набор открыт
~ 800 $ / год

Institute of Higher Studies of Tamaulipas

Мексика, Тампико

The Institute of Higher Studies of Tamaulipas (IEST), is a basic, upper secondary and higher education institution. The IEST was founded in the City of Tampico, in the state of Ta...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

YMCA University

Мексика, Мехико

Доктор философии • 1

Established in 2000, Universidad YMCA (YMCA University) is a private higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the metropolis of Mexico City (population rang...

Набор открыт
~ 5 803 $ / год

Universidad Hispanoamericana de Altos Estudios

Мексика, Xalapa de Enriquez

The University of Hispano-American Studies, UNIVAEH, is an educational institution aimed at the integral formation of future professionals, thus participating directly and actively...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

Universidad DoradosUniversidad Dorados

Мексика, Oaxtepec

Доктор философии • 1

The Dorados University, UD, is an institution that offers multiple modalities of study, allowing an integral formation and coherent with the current productive environment of the c...

Набор открыт
~ 4 013 $ / год

Teacher Training University of Durango

Мексика, Виктория-де-Дуранго

Доктор философии • 2

Its antecedent, Unit 101 of the National Pedagogical University. Created by presidential decree on August 25, 1978 Receives teacher-students from the Federal Institute of Teacher T...

Набор открыт
~ 800 $ / год

University of the Gulf

Мексика, Тампико

Доктор философии • 1

Forty-four years ago, the university of the gulf was founded, which currently offers studies of different levels, from higher education to post-graduate studies, with 17 bachelor's...

Набор открыт
~ 3 000 $ / год

Technological Institute of Oaxaca

Мексика, Оахака-де-Хуарес

The professional field for graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Administration is vast and multipurpose, since they can provide their services in any productive organization of go...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Sotavento

Мексика, Коацакоалькос

Доктор философии • 1

Established in 1994, Universidad de Sotavento A.C. is a private higher education institution located in the small city of Coatzacoalcos , Tabasco. Universidad de Sotavento A.C. (US...

Набор открыт
~ 4 243 $ / год

University of the Grijalva

Мексика, Кампече

Доктор философии • 1

With more than 20 years of experience, Universidad del Valle del Grijalva (UVG) has established itself as the most traditional university institution in the south of the Mexican Re...

Набор открыт
~ 1 300 $ / год

Maya University (Southern)

Мексика, Тустла-Гутьеррес

Доктор философии • 1

The mission of the Maya University is to train professionals who are capable of responding to current times and successfully entering labor markets, based on the development of a s...

Набор открыт
~ 1 857 $ / год

Zongolica Institute of Technology

Мексика, Zongolica

Доктор философии • 1

The Higher Technological Institute of Zongolica was born in 2002 attending to the need for higher education in the area of ​​the high mountains of the State of Veracruz. It has sta...

Набор открыт
~ 2 595 $ / год

Autonomous University of Fresnillo

Мексика, Фреснильо

Доктор философии • 1

A school cycle begins and receives new students strengthens the institutional slogan of offering a quality education sustained in its mission, students reentry to encourage them to...

Набор открыт
~ 1 495 $ / год

Autonomous University of Durango

Мексика, Виктория-де-Дуранго

Доктор философии • 1

Educational and Cultural Promotion Francisco de Ibarra AC is the body that gives life to our house of studies on February 11, 1992, date from which we work tirelessly, always attac...

Набор открыт
~ 1 869 $ / год

Institute of Family Therapy

Мексика, Мехико

Доктор философии • 1

Family problems have long been a constant and growing concern of societies in general and in particular in our country. It is therefore urgent to have the human resources indispens...

Набор открыт
~ 1 349 $ / год

Higher Normal School of Ciudad Madero

Мексика, Сьюдад-Мадеро

The Normal Higher School of Cd. Madero, Tam., A.C., is a solid Institution whose main objective is to teach higher education, fully committed to the society in which it participate...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University Patria

Мексика, Сан-Мигель-де-Альенде

Доктор философии • 1

The UP is an interdisciplinary team whose mission is to train students in an environment of Freedom, Honesty, Ethics, Discipline; Starting from the Holistic conception of the Unive...

Набор открыт
~ 659 $ / год

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