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Показано 1 – 12 из 12 результатов.
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
The Nicaraguan University of Science and Technology exists with the purpose of training professionals with ethical values, able to develop a successful life project, be agents of c...
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
The Universidad Paulo Freire (UDP) is a university in Managua, Nicaragua, with branches in Diriamba, Río San Juan and Matagalpa. It is named after Brazilian educator Paulo Freire....
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
LA AMERICAN UNIVERSITY is a non-profit Private Higher Education Institution with a high social and human sense, promotes creativity, transfer and innovation, developing the field o...
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
The Adventist University of Nicaragua, is a unique Christian institution that promotes the integral formation of competent professionals, committed to the service to God and societ...
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
UCEM is a private university focused on comprehensive vocational education. Its purpose is to provide an environment in which students can receive quality education that prepares t...
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
Create the best professionals of the country in the different careers offered ....
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, San Marcos
Keiser University - Latin American Campus (KU) is a branch campus of Keiser University in Florida, United States. It is located in the small town of San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua....
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
Our House of Studies is duly authorized by the National Council of Universities (CNU), according to Resolution No. 30-2002 of November 15, 2002, we are members of the Higher Counci...
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Леон
The National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León (UNAN-León) is the oldest university in Nicaragua. It was founded in 1812 in the city of León, head of the homonymous departme...
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
The Maria Guerrero University is an institution that was born at the beginning of the 90 's as a response to the growing demand of people who demanded a higher qualification around...
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
Created on September 27, 1982. Assigned to UNAN-Managua in April 1990. Law 103 Published in La Gaceta No. 107 of June 5, 1990. CIES UNAN Managua known as "Recerca Universitario Sal...
Bachelor of Psychology
Никарагуа, Манагуа
The Central University of Nicaragua (Spanish: Universidad Central de Nicaragua - UCN)) was founded in 1998. It is nationally accredited and recognized by the Ministry of Education...