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Показано 21 – 38 из 38 результатов.
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Лима
The National University Federico Villarreal (UNFV) was created like autonomous university the 30 of October of 1963, by means of law number 14692, promulgated by the constitutional...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Лима
Sergio Bernales Private University was authorized by Resolution No. 171-2002, on July 26, 2002, promoting and developing three professional careers: OBSTETRICS, LAW AND POLITICAL S...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Лима
The Wiener University is an academic institution that assumes the mission of empowering people, training them professionally and humanistically to achieve their self-realization. W...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Уануко
We train professionals of high humanistic, scientific and technological quality, with sensitivity to contribute to the development of the region and the country; We carry out resea...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Серро-де-Паско
Daniel Alcides Carrión National University is a public institution of higher education located in the city of Cerro de Pasco, was founded in 1965 at the initiative of the State of...
Bachelor of Technology
The Catholic University of Santa Maria is a superior educational institution founded in 1961 by Father William Morris Christy, with the objectives of training students with humanis...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Лима
At the beginning of the 20th century the National School of Agriculture was founded with the support of a Belgian mission from the University of Gembloux, and since 1960 it has bee...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Кальяо
The National School of Merchant Marine "Almirante Miguel Grau" is a Center of Higher Education of university level, in charge of training professionals and specialists in the nauti...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Лима
Ricardo Palma University - is a private university in the city of Lima , Peru . Founded on July 1, 1969 and named in honor of the Peruvian writer Ricardo Palma (1833-1919). The fo...
Перу, Чимботе
The University of San Pedro ( USP ) is a private Peruvian university founded on June 25 , 1988 by the "Asociación Civil Promotora San Pedro" in the city of Chimbote , Áncash . The...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Caraz
Cibertec started its educational activities in 1983 (by Ministerial Resolution 1451-83-ED dated 10 November 1983) with the aim of presenting an alternative project for higher educa...
Bachelor of Technology
The newspaper "El Tiempo", Piura, in March 1955 reports that the Association of Piuranos Students of Social Sciences, which grouped the university students Piuranos of the Universi...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Лима
The National Technological University of the Southern Cone of Lima (UNTECS), was created by Law of the Congress of the Republic No. 27413, dated January 10, 2001, initialed by the...
Bachelor of Technology
Inca University Garcilaso de la Vega is an institution of university education, with 50 years of experience forming competitive professionals. Connoisseurs of the national reality...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Tingo Maria
It was created on February 17, 1964, by Law No. 14912, from this year began to function as an academic and administrative body, occupying the land of the former Experimental Agricu...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Чимботе
The National University of Santa, created by Law No. 24035 of December 20, 1984, is a legal person under public law. It is governed fundamentally by the Political Constitution of P...
Bachelor of Technology
In 1967, the first Technical Institute of Business Administration of Peru was founded, during these 43 years, we are committed to forge new students that can develop in a competiti...
Bachelor of Technology
Перу, Мокегуа
It was created as a PRIVATE UNIVERSITY OF MOQUEGUA by Law No. 25153 of December 23, 1989 with professional careers: Mining Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, E...