Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 1 – 20 из 24 результатов.
University of Manouba
Тунис, Мануба
The University of La Manouba (Arabic: جامعة منوبة) is a Tunisian university based in La Manouba. It is ranked by the U.S. News & World Report at the 84th rank of the regional ranki...
University of Gafsa
Тунис, Гафса
Founded on the 4th of september 2004, the University of Gafsa includes all of the higher education institutions in Gafsa and Tozeur region. Under the auspices of the university,...
Graduate School of Audiovisual and Design
Тунис, Тунис
The School of Audiovisual and Design (ESAD) is a private architecture , design and audiovisual school based in Tunis , Tunisia . It is approved by the Ministry of Higher Education...
University of Sousse Higher Institute of Fine Arts of Sousse
Тунис, Сус
The university of Sousse (جامعة سوسة) is a university based in Sousse in Tunisia. It is ... Higher Institute of Finance and Taxation; Higher Institute of Fine Arts; Chott Meriem Hi...
Université de Tunis
Тунис, Тунис
The University of Tunis is a university based in Tunis ( Tunisia ). It was founded in 1960 by replacing existing institutions 6 . In 1988 , it was subdivided into three institution...
University of Carthage Faculty of Economics and Administration, Nabeul
Тунис, Карфаген
The University of Carthage (UCAR), founded in 1988, is a Tunisian public institution of education and research under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scienti...
University of Kairouan Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Kairouan
Тунис, Кайруан
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Kairouan, was created under the law No. 84 of 1984 fixing the Finance Act of 1984, dated 12/31/1984 and especially chapter 73 related to the c...
Higher Institute of Theology of Tunis
Тунис, Тунис
Higher Institute of Theology of Tunis provides training for teachers of Islamic education and thought as well as senior technicians in Islamic heritage arts and multimedia applied...
University of Manouba Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Sidi Thabet
Тунис, Мануба
The Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities is affected by a protest movement, when about thirty young Salafists, mostly foreigners to the institution according to the direction4,...
University of Jendouba
Тунис, Джендуба
The University of Jendouba was created by decree number 1662-2003 of 4 August 2003, thus concretizing state policy in its desire to decentralize knowledge and technology and promot...
University of Sfax Higher Institute of Music of Sfax
Тунис, Сфакс
The University of Sfax is a university located in Sfax, Tunisia. It was founded in 1986 and is organized in 8 Faculties. The University of Sfax (جامعة صفاقس) is a university based...
Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts
Тунис, Махдия
The Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Mahdia (ISAMM) , attached to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, is a public administrative institution with a civi...
University of Sfax
Тунис, Сфакс
The present site of the University of Sfax is an updated tool of information, contact and call for collaboration to the various intra and extra university partners. The natural pla...
University of Manouba Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities of Manouba
Тунис, Мануба
The Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities (FLAH) was created under the law No. 83-86 on September 1, 1986 as the Annex of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences at the Bouleva...
University of Carthage Graduate School of Audiovisual and Cinema of Gammarth
Тунис, Al Marsa
L’Ecole Supérieure de l’Audiovisuel et du Cinéma E.S.A.C, créée par le décret n°2004-2202, du 14 septembre 2004, relevant de l’Université de Carthage, assure une formation polyvale...
Higher Institute of Islamic Civilization of Tunis
Тунис, Тунис
This institute provides training for teachers of Islamic education and thought as well as senior technicians in Islamic heritage arts and multimedia applied to the Islamic arts. It...
University of Monastir
Тунис, Монастир
The University of Monastir’s proud heritage of academic excellence dates back to its founding in 2004 (Decree n° 2102 of 2004). Its foundation was part of the reform that the Tunis...
University of Kairouan Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Kasserine
Тунис, Кассерин
The Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Kasserine (Arabic: المعهد العالي للفنون والحرف بالقصرين) is a Tunisian higher education institution awarding the applied degree in severa...
Université de Tunis Institut Supérieur de Musique de Tunis
Тунис, Тунис
The Tunisian National Conservatory of Music is a Tunisian music education institution located in Tunis. It is an institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. Ins...
Université Libre de Tunis
Тунис, Тунис
The Free University of Tunis (ULT) is a private university founded in 1973 in Tunis ( Tunisia ) by Mohamed Bouebdelli . It is attached to the EEA-INTAC group, which also included t...