Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 1 – 20 из 56 результатов.
Germanic Languages and Literatures (including Translation)
Украина, Сумы
Namber of credits: 240 ECTS credits Required background: full secondary education Language of instruction: Ukrainian, English and German Program learning outcomes: • to use the s...
Preparatory courses for International Students
Украина, Острог
The National University of Ostroh Academy offers a unique opportunity to study at preparatory courses for foreign citizens. This allows to learn the Ukrainian language, introduce i...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Измаил
At the present stage, the goal of the educational activity of the Izmail State Humanitarian University is the training of specialists of a new generation able to work in conditions...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Днепр
The State Institute for the Training and Retraining of Industrial Personnel (GIPOProm), accredited at Level III, was established by a general order of the Ministry of Education and...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Чернигов
Chernihiv National University of Technology - the only multi-area educational center with a system of continuing education, including: system Preparatory, 2 colleges, 4 teaching an...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Харьков
Ukraine - one of the few countries in the world in which developed and produced aviation and space technology, and prepare qualified professionals for this industry. National Aeros...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Харьков
Our history dates back 12 June 1930, when according to the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR number 19/672 was created operational and traction Kharkov Sta...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Ирпень
University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (UDFSU) - higher education institution in the city. Irpin basic institution of the Ministry of income and charges of Ukraine. Uni...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Днепр
Alfred Nobel University is one of the leading private educational institutions of the IV level of accreditation in Ukraine. It is committed to enhancing innovative technologies in...
Украина, Хмельницкий
Founded in Proskuriv in 1921 as a teaching courses. Since its inception, several times changed its profile: Teacher courses, teacher training college, College of Education, Humanit...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Киев
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetmána (KNEU) - higher educational institution in Ukraine, self-governing (autonomous) national university research. Founded in...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Ужгород
Higher education institution "Eastern European Slavic University" was created in August 2012 at the reorganized Transcarpathian branch of the Kyiv Slavonic University (2000-2012 gg...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Днепр
In NMetAU trained about 15,000 students, 175 graduate students and 10 doctoral students, employs about 1,000 teachers and researchers. Among the faculty members share doctors, pro...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Киев
The idea of establishing the University in Kiev appeared in the ruling circles of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XIX century., Immediately after the opening of school...
Украина, Хмельницкий
Khmelnytsky National University - the largest on the tail institution of higher education that trains specialists in many fields of knowledge and carries out educational, methodica...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Бережаны
Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute - a higher education institution Level 3 accreditation in Berezhany, Ternopil region. Since 1997 is part of the National Agriculture University of...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Киев
In December 2004, through the reorganization of JSC "Institute of Applied Geophysics" (a joint venture of JSC "Nadra Concern" and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) was c...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Краматорск
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture - DonNACEA (former Makiyivka Civil Engineering Institute) in 1972 prepares highly qualified engineers. The high level...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Тернополь
Providing quality educational services, construction of dormitories comfortable, modern playgrounds, discovery martial arts hall, sports complex "Economist", a new library, halls o...
Bachelor of Humanities
Украина, Тернополь
Ukrainian-Polish university - Ternopil Institute of Social and Information Technology (TISIT) created 7 December 2001 on the first constituent assembly of the founders. Initiators...