Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 1 – 20 из 73 результатов.
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Умань
Uman National University of Horticulture is the hallmark of the city and the flagship agricultural education not only Cherkasy region, but throughout Ukraine. Scientific achievemen...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Львов
Lviv University of Trade and Economics - the oldest in Ukraine and one of the oldest European trade and economic institutions, which starts from March 7, 1816. That's when Austrian...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Днепр
Alfred Nobel University is one of the leading private educational institutions of the IV level of accreditation in Ukraine. It is committed to enhancing innovative technologies in...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Одесса
Since its inception, the Odessa National Maritime University remains the only one in its vocation, appointment, organizational structure, a difficult and glorious history that its...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Киев
International University of Finance (IUF) was founded in 1993 as a private higher educational institution on the initiative of National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polyte...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Киев
The idea of establishing the University in Kiev appeared in the ruling circles of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XIX century., Immediately after the opening of school...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Киев
«KROK» University is one of the first private educational institutions of Ukraine, IV (highest) accreditation level. It was founded in 1992, and in 2015 according to the ranking «T...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Киев
University "Ukraine" - the only institution of higher education integrated type, open to young unequal level of training, differentiated social opportunities and various health. He...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Харьков
Kharkiv National University of Economics in its history associated with specific commercial institutions of education, set up in Odessa during the rapid economic growth context. XI...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Львов
The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is a classical institution of higher education with enduring traditions and powerful scientific schools incorporating modern innovative...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Львов
History Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism reached its origins in 1899, the founding of the institution called imperial-royal trade school. During the 1899-1900 biennium. School...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Киев
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM) was founded in 1989 as a private higher educational and scientific institution. IAPM is the biggest economic and humanitarian h...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Киев
Stovrenyy consisting of educational and scientific-industrial complex "Tourism, Hospitality Management, Economics and Law" in 1995 by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine in coordi...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Киев
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport - Ukraine's largest institution of higher education in the field of physical education and sport, which harmoniously...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Ровно
The University includes: College of Technology and Design, motor College, Technical College, Kostopolsky Construction Engineering College. The University has a strong physical inf...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Винница
Vinnitsa Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics is the leading Universities Vinnitsa rated popularity and credibility of the results of tes...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Луцк
Its history began in 1966 with the opening of branch general technical faculty of Kyiv Automobile and Highway Institute. The initiator of this idea were Nikolai Romaniuk - former d...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Мукачево
Mukachevo State University (MSU) - a modern European institution of higher education wing, which provides training of highly qualified specialists in all educational levels. MSU es...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Львов
National Forestry University of Ukraine - institution in. Mainly located in the locality New World. The university has over 5,000 students. 32 departments employ over 370 qualifie...
Bachelor of Tourism
Украина, Львов
Lviv State University of Physical Culture - institution IV level of accreditation. 1946 at the College of Physical Education was established Lviv State Institute of Physical Cult...