Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 1 – 20 из 92 результатов.
Master of Law
Украина, Николаев
Tuition fees for international students are specified separately for each country.
Master of Law
Украина, Николаев
Tuition fees for international students are specified separately for each country.
Master of Law
Украина, Винница
Украина, Винница
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Острог
Duration of studies 1 year and 4 months Educational background requirements: Graduates who earned a Bachelor’s or a Specialist degree in Law and those who earned a Bachelor’s degr...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Львов
Lviv University of Trade and Economics - the oldest in Ukraine and one of the oldest European trade and economic institutions, which starts from March 7, 1816. That's when Austrian...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Ивано-Франковск
Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law named after King Danylo Galytskyi is one of the few universities of Ukraine , which is constantly improving, implementing new technology and headi...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Киев
The Academy was established in 1993 on the basis of educational-methodical center of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine initially was called "Academy of Labor and Social Aff...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Харьков
The history of pedagogical University goes back to 1803; the first students were admitted to the university on September 1, 1811. Educational activities of V.Karazin, G.Kvitka-Osno...
Intellectual Property
Украина, Сумы
The university has about 14 000 people for various forms of learning (educational and skill level and educational level of junior specialist, bachelor, specialist and master) 45 21...
Medical Law
Украина, Сумы
The university has about 14 000 people for various forms of learning (educational and skill level and educational level of junior specialist, bachelor, specialist and master) 45 21...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Киев
The origins of the university - in aviation courses organized by Kyiv Polytechnic in the late XIX century, as an independent story began in 1933: Resolution of the Council of Peopl...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Мариуполь
In September 1991, on the initiative of Mariupol city national-cultural society of the Greeks, Donetsk State University and with support from Mariupol City Council established Mari...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Мариуполь
Donetsk State University of Management (DSUM) was founded in 1992 to face the challenge of emerging market economy in one of the Ukraine’s most industrially advanced regions. DSUM...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Львов
Finding your true origins to Lviv Polytechnic is a natural historical necessity. The historical model of any institution of higher education is holistic when growth begins from the...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Киев
«KROK» University is one of the first private educational institutions of Ukraine, IV (highest) accreditation level. It was founded in 1992, and in 2015 according to the ranking «T...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Киев
Looking at what is happening in the world, it is clear that a person can balance between keeping up with the times, be competent to society's needs only with proper modern educatio...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Киев
International Solomon University (MSU) - one of the largest non-state higher educational institutions of Ukraine - was founded in 1991. The concept and development strategy of the...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Львов
The University faculties training specialists for investigation departments (№ 1); of training for units of Criminal Police (№ 2); with training for police prevention subdivisions...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Украина, Киев
Kyiv Slavonic University - Higher nav¬chalnyy institution IV level of accreditation Ukraine, member of the European Association of Universities. Founded in November 1993, the Natio...