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Показано 1 – 20 из 30 результатов.
PhD in Education
Украина, Глухов
Hlukhiv State Pedagogical University was founded October 25, 1874 as a teacher's institute. From the University Oleksandr Dovzhenko came famous graduates. Throughout its history th...
PhD in Training
Украина, Херсон
Since opening in 1944, the Regional Institute of Teachers, each created library of professional office, accumulated periodicals. This material became the basis of the library, whic...
PhD in Education
Украина, Тернополь
Teacher training preceding the established system of career guidance. The University created the first in Ukraine multidisciplinary teaching high school, which trains students from...
PhD in Education
Украина, Херсон
Since opening in 1944, the Regional Institute of Teachers, each created library of professional office, accumulated periodicals. This material became the basis of the library, whic...
PhD in Education
Украина, Ивано-Франковск
The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University is the first university in the Western Ukraine of classic type. The history of formation and development of the Vasyl Stefanyk...
PhD in Education
Украина, Харьков
The history of pedagogical University goes back to 1803; the first students were admitted to the university on September 1, 1811. Educational activities of V.Karazin, G.Kvitka-Osno...
PhD in Education
Украина, Киев
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM) was founded in 1989 as a private higher educational and scientific institution. IAPM is the biggest economic and humanitarian h...
PhD in Education
Украина, Черкассы
Now the university has 5 modern dormitories, which live about two thousand students. Put into operation a training hotel for 20 seats, a laboratory restaurant business. The student...
PhD in Education
Украина, Львов
Finding your true origins to Lviv Polytechnic is a natural historical necessity. The historical model of any institution of higher education is holistic when growth begins from the...
PhD in Education
Украина, Славянск
Now the university has 12 faculties (8 of them are in the basic university Donbass State Pedagogical University, 4 in the structural subdivision of the Gorlovka State Pedagogical I...
PhD in Education
Украина, Харьков
Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy - municipal institution of higher education III level of accreditation located in Kharkiv. The Institute has 6 schools (pre-school educati...
PhD in Education
Украина, Киев
Natsyonalnыy lynhvystycheskyy the Kiev University (KNLU) (Ukr. Kyiv National Linguistic University) (in prostorechyy ynyaz) - Higher uchebnoe establishments of Ukraine. Founded Mar...
PhD in Education
Украина, Харьков
National University of Internal Affairs - the highest institution of the MIA of Ukraine, founded November 22, 1994. March 2, 2001 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine Universi...
PhD in Education
Украина, Ровно
Departments RSUH collaborating with APN Ukraine. As part of the laboratory of innovative technologies created as a university department, department of theory and methodology of ed...
PhD in Education
Украина, Харьков
In autumn 1870 the Ministry of Finance instructed Training Committee of the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology to prepare materials for the organization of the new university i...
PhD in Education
Украина, Мукачево
Mukachevo State University (MSU) - a modern European institution of higher education wing, which provides training of highly qualified specialists in all educational levels. MSU es...
PhD in Education
Украина, Львов
Lviv State University of Life Safety - a leading university in Ukraine human security, the recognized leader of the national education and consolidated Ukrainian Rating universitie...
PhD in Education
Украина, Киев
Until recently it was believed that the history of our university counts on 15 July 1920. When formally formed Kyiv Institute of Education (film), also was named Dragomanov. But hi...
PhD in Education
Украина, Киев
The origins of the university - in aviation courses organized by Kyiv Polytechnic in the late XIX century, as an independent story began in 1933: Resolution of the Council of Peopl...
PhD in Education
Украина, Киев
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University - Metropolitan University, owned by the territorial community of Kyiv. University history begins in 1874. Grinchenko University - multidisciplinary...