Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 41 – 60 из 70 результатов.
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University
Украина, Каменец-Подольский
The university was founded as Kamianets-Podilsky State Ukrainian University on October 22, 1918, under a law signed by Pavlo Skoropadsky during his brief rule as Hetman of Ukraine....
Dnipropetrovsk Humanities University
Украина, Днепр
Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University is created to train people with higher legal and psychological education for organizations, enterprises and institutions of the region. Train...
Institute for Tourism Federation of Trade Unions Ukraine
Украина, Киев
The Institute was founded in 1992. Students learn humanitarian, economic discipline, management, marketing, travel, special courses, hotel and restaurant business, information tech...
National Transport University
Украина, Киев
The university is deepening the integration of academic science. University scientists have close relations with leading scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences...
Kharkiv Institute of Management
Украина, Харьков
Kharkiv Institute of Management (XIV) was founded in 1991. Kharkiv Institute of Management graduates working in prestigious positions in public and private enterprises. The Institu...
National University of Food Technologies Kyiv
Украина, Киев
August 30, 2014 marked the one hundred and thirty years since the founding of the National University of Food Technologies - one of the oldest educational institutions of our count...
Kharkiv Institute of Socio Economy
Украина, Харьков
In 1929 in Kharkov was created evening university union, on which in 1930 was established nationwide high school trade union movement (during the German-Soviet war temporarily ceas...
Poltava National V. G. Korolenko Pedagogical University
Украина, Полтава
Poltava National Pedagogical University is one of the oldest universities in Ukraine. It was created July 1, 1914, when the imperial decree based in Poltava pedagogical institute....
Kyiv National Economic University
Украина, Киев
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetmána (KNEU) - higher educational institution in Ukraine, self-governing (autonomous) national university research. Founded in...
Pryazovskyi State Technical University
Украина, Мариуполь
Today the university is working on the following areas: training of specialists in various fields of economic activity; training engineers working in manufacturing; preparing stude...
Kremenchug National University Michael Ostrogradskii
Украина, Кременчуг
National University of Kremenchuhskyy behalf Mikhail Ostrohradskoho prospered letoyschyslenye own way with the Year 1920 and javljaetsja edynstvennыm hosudarstvennыm High society u...
KROK University
Украина, Киев
«KROK» University is one of the first private educational institutions of Ukraine, IV (highest) accreditation level. It was founded in 1992, and in 2015 according to the ranking «T...
Izmail State Humanities University
Украина, Измаил
At the present stage, the goal of the educational activity of the Izmail State Humanitarian University is the training of specialists of a new generation able to work in conditions...
Lutsk National Technical University
Украина, Луцк
Its history began in 1966 with the opening of branch general technical faculty of Kyiv Automobile and Highway Institute. The initiator of this idea were Nikolai Romaniuk - former d...
Odessa State Environmental University
Украина, Одесса
Since 1993, the Institute moved to a modern, accepted in international practice, trohstupinchatu system of specialist training (bachelor, graduate, masters). In our time in four sp...
Mariupol State University
Украина, Мариуполь
In September 1991, on the initiative of Mariupol city national-cultural society of the Greeks, Donetsk State University and with support from Mariupol City Council established Mari...
Zaporizhzhya National University
Украина, Запорожье
Zaporizhzhya National University (ZNU) has 80-years’ long history. It was established back in 1930 as Public Education Institute, then was transformed into Teachers’ Training Insti...
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
Украина, Кривой Рог
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky higher educational institution of Ukraine 99-year history that its educational and research...
Poltava National Technical University Yuri Kondratyuk
Украина, Полтава
The central building of the university is a monument of architecture of the first half of the 19th century. (Classical style) - is an integral part of the Empire ensemble of the ci...
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
Украина, Киев
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport - Ukraine's largest institution of higher education in the field of physical education and sport, which harmoniously...