Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 461 – 480 из 485 результатов.
Oklahoma Christian University
США, Эдмонт
What began in 1950 as Central Christian College has grown into a comprehensive Christian university serving almost 2,600 students. Affiliated with the churches of Christ, Oklahoma...
Hocking College
США, Nelsonville
Hocking College is a technical college located in Nelsonville, Ohio, in the Appalachian region of the United States. It offers dozens of associate degree programs and several certi...
Utah State University
США, Logan
Since its founding in 1888, Utah State University has evolved from a small-town college tucked away in the Northern Utah mountains to a thriving research university respected aroun...
Southern Methodist University
США, Даллас
Southern Methodist University (SMU) is a private research university in Dallas, University Park, and Highland Park, Texas. Founded in 1911 by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,...
University of Saint Mary
США, Ливенворс
The University of Saint Mary is a four-year Catholic liberal arts university founded by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth in 1923. We offer daytime undergraduate and doctoral...
Connecticut College
США, Нью-Лондон
Connecticut College (Conn College or Conn) is a private liberal arts college located in New London, Connecticut. It is a primarily residential, four-year undergraduate institution,...
University of Idaho
США, Канзас-Сити
The University of Idaho (officially abbreviated UI, locally referred to as "the U of I") is the U.S. state of Idaho's oldest public university, located in the city of Moscow in Lat...
State University of New York Plattsburgh
США, Платтсбург
The State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, also known as SUNY Plattsburgh or Plattsburgh State College is a four-year, public liberal arts college in Plattsburgh, New...
North Carolina Central University
США, Дарем
North Carolina Central University (NCCU) is a public historically black university in the University of North Carolina system, located in Durham, North Carolina, offering programs...
University of Colorado Denver
США, Денвер
The University of Colorado Denver is a public research university in the U.S. state of Colorado. It is part of the University of Colorado system. The university has two campuses—o...
Hallmark University
США, Сан-Антонио
Hallmark University was founded in 1969 as Hallmark Aero-Tech. Cofounder, Richard Fessler, started our institution with the primary purpose of serving students, industry, and the c...
Thomas Aquinas College
США, Санта-Паула
Thomas Aquinas College is a Roman Catholic liberal arts college offering a single integrated academic program. It is located in Santa Paula, California in Ventura County, with a se...
Rocky Mountain College
США, Биллингс
Rocky Mountain College is a residential, comprehensive liberal arts college located beneath the sandstone “rim-rocks” in a park-like suburban neighborhood of Billings, Montana, the...
University of Virginia
США, Шарлотсвилл
The University of Virginia is distinctive among institutions of higher education. Founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, the University sustains the ideal of developing, through educ...
Saginaw Valley State University
США, University Center
Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) (commonly referred to as SVSU, SV, or Saginaw Valley) is a public university located in University Center, Michigan. It was founded in 1963 a...
Keck Graduate Institute
США, Клермонт
Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences (KGI) has responded to this challenge with a pioneering class of graduate degrees and programs to educate those individuals who wan...
Marietta College
США, Мариетта
Marietta College (Latin: Collegium Mariettensis) is a co-educational liberal arts private college in Marietta, Ohio, USA, (population 14,000+) which was the first permanent settlem...
Rogers State University
США, Клэрмор
RSU is recognized for high-quality academic programs, a nurturing scholastic atmosphere, distance learning options, and high-technology learning environment. RSU offers a variety...
Trinidad State Junior College
США, Тринидад
Founded in 1925, Trinidad State Junior College is a two-year college located in Trinidad, Colorado, United States, with a secondary satellite campus located in Alamosa, Colorado. T...
Arkansas State University
США, Джонсборо
Focusing on its mission to educate leaders, enhance intellectual growth and enrich lives, Arkansas State University is the catalyst for progress in our state, the Delta and the Mid...