Tajikistan – Bachelor programs in Taxation

We found 2 universities offering 2 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Taxation in Tajikistan

  • 2


  • 2


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $649

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Taxation?

A bachelor's degree in taxation prepares professionals for the organization and control of financial charges from taxpayers. The curriculum includes courses in politics, law, economy, international business, along with investment management, public administration, combined with taxation of a corporation, state and local taxation.

What are the undertakings of a graduate student in Taxation?

The undertakings of a graduate student in Taxation are connected with accountancy and financial charges. Tax postgraduates may prepare tax forms, plan a budget, conduct audits, as well as examine tax reports, ensure accurate tax records, also represent clients in court, and provide advice on taxation issues.

Tajikistan – Bachelor programs in Taxation statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 2 Bachelor programs in Taxation at 2 universities in Tajikistan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 2 Bachelor programs in Taxation at 2 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Taxation in Tajikistan

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Tajikistan.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Dushanbe 1 ~ $360 Search
Khujand 1 ~ $937 Search

Tajikistan – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $94


Tajikistan – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Tajikistan.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Taxation in Tajikistan

Tajik National University

Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Bachelor • 1

Tajik National University (Tajik: Донишгоҳи Миллии Тоҷикистон, Russian: Таджикский Национальный Университет) is the first and largest prestigious university in Tajikistan with a to...

Admissions open
~ $360 / year

Tajik State University of Law, Business & Politics

Tajikistan, Khujand

Bachelor • 1

Tajik State University of Law, Business, & Politics - TSULBP (Original: Донишгоҳи Давлатии Ҳуқуқ, Бизнес, ва Сиёсати Тоҷикистон - ДДҲБСТ) is one of several state-funded, five-year...

Admissions open
~ $937 / year

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