Koch Bihar – Bachelor programs in Political Science

We found 5 universities offering 5 Bachelor programs in Political Science in Koch Bihar.

Study the Bachelor programs in Political Science in Koch Bihar

  • 5


  • 5


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $224

    Tuition fees

What jobs are available after obtaining a Community Development degree?

The list of community development careers includes positions as a community service worker, a policy, officer, a social planner, a researcher, a community development officer, a project coordinator, an international aid worker. Experts in Community Development work in public service, volunteering organizations, consulting agencies.

What is the motivation of completing a Bachelor’s degree in Community Development?

Free-Apply.com advises completing a Community Development degree for the graduate who is interested in working with people, to coordinate them and to improve the conditions of their lives. During a study program of Community Development, students improve their problem-solving abilities, along with communicative and organizational skills.

India, Koch Bihar – Bachelor programs in Political Science statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 5 Bachelor programs in Political Science at 5 universities in Koch Bihar, India. Furthermore, you can choose one of 5 Bachelor programs in Political Science at 5 universities and 1 Master program in Political Science at 1 university.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in India

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Political Science in India.

India – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $102


  • ~ $95


  • ~ $126


  • ~ $451


Koch Bihar – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Koch Bihar.

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Political Science in Koch Bihar, India

Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College

India, Koch Bihar

Bachelor • 1

Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College has a brilliant history to boast of It was formerly known as Victoria College. As a seat of learning, it has a glorious past. As Coochbehar has...

Admissions open
~ $195 / year

Mathabhanga College

India, Koch Bihar

Bachelor • 1

Mathabhanga College, established in 1969, is one of the oldest college in Mathabhanga. It offers undergraduate courses in arts, commerce and sciences. The campus is in the Cooch Be...

Admissions open
~ $260 / year

Tufanganj College

India, Koch Bihar

Bachelor • 1

Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya (Tufanganj College), established in 1971, is the oldest college in the sub-division of Tufanganj under the district of Cooch Behar. It offers undergraduate...

Admissions open
~ $198 / year

Thakur Panchanan Mahila College

India, Koch Bihar

Bachelor • 1

Thakur Panchanan Mahila Mahavidyalaya was established in September 1981 with the objective to spread advance education among the women of the surrounding area and at the same time...

Admissions open
~ $200 / year

Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University

India, Koch Bihar

Bachelor • 1

Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University is a U.G.C. recognised public university in Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India.[1][2] The university was named after the 19th-century Rajbongshi...

Admissions open
~ $268 / year

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