Study in Machakos

We found 5 universities in Machakos.

Machakos – About the city

The population of the city is 31,971. Machakos is number 4 in Kenya by the number of universities available on There are 5 universities offering 161 study programs in Machakos.

Kenya, Machakos – Higher education system

The higher education system of Machakos is represented by 5 universities, which offer 161 study programs. In addition 104 Bachelor programs at 5 universities, 44 Master programs at 5 universities, and 13 PhD programs at 3 universities.

The largest cities in Kenya

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in Kenya.

Kenya – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $101


  • ~ $188


Kenya – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Machakos.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular degree programs in Machakos

Machakos Institute of Technology

Kenya, Machakos

Bachelor • 28 Master • 14 PhD • 5

The Machakos Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private institute in Machakos, Eastern Province, Kenya. MIT has six schools with an emphasis on social work, community development,...

Admissions open
~ $500 / year

Machakos University College

Kenya, Machakos

Bachelor • 41 Master • 7 PhD • 1

Machakos University was founded in 1957 as a Technical Rural Training School by the then colonial Government. It was converted into Machakos Technical and Trade School in 1958, Mac...

Admissions open
~ $650 / year

Century Park College Machakos

Kenya, Machakos

Bachelor • 6 Master • 2

Century Park College is a fully registered training institution located in Machakos Town, Kenya. We offer courses organized in four schools – Accountancy and Business Studies, Edu...

Admissions open
~ $4,000 / year

Scott Christian University

Kenya, Machakos

Bachelor • 2 Master • 2

Scott Christian University is a private Chartered Christian University in Machakos, Kenya. It was established by the Africa Inland Mission in 1962 as Scott Theological College, and...

Admissions open
~ $522 / year

Lukenya University

Kenya, Machakos

Bachelor • 27 Master • 19 PhD • 7

Founded in 2015, Lukenya University is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the rural setting of the large town of Athi River (population range of 50,00...

Admissions open
~ $520 / year

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