Kinshasa – Bachelor programs in Accounting

We found 4 universities offering 4 Bachelor programs in Accounting in Kinshasa.

Study the Bachelor programs in Accounting in Kinshasa

  • 4


  • 4


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $615

    Tuition fees

What careers are available after completing a Bachelor's degree in Accounting?

After obtaining a BA in Accounting, graduates can find positions as an actuarial analyst, an accountant, a business adviser, also a company secretary and a chartered accountant. Postgraduates in accounting work in organizations of all industries, for example, education, consulting, entrepreneurship, and manufacturing, additionally, there is a demand for outsourced accountants.

What are the reasons to obtain the Bachelor’s degree in Accounting? analysts recommend obtaining a bachelor’s in accounting for the reason that accounting postgraduates are in demand, as organizations cannot function without them. A career as an accountant requires math, organizational and problem-solving skills. It provides a stable work environment and offers career prospects.

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa – Bachelor programs in Accounting statistics provides information about 4 Bachelor programs in Accounting at 4 universities in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Furthermore, you can choose one of 4 Bachelor programs in Accounting at 4 universities, 2 Master programs in Accounting at 2 universities, and 2 PhD programs in Accounting at 2 universities.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Accounting in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Democratic Republic of the Congo – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $59


Kinshasa – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Kinshasa.

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Accounting in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

University Simon Kimbangu

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa

Bachelor • 1

Founded in 1994, Université Simon Kimbangu (Simon Kimbangu University) is a higher education institution located in the metropolis of Kinshasa (population range of over 5,000,000 i...

Admissions open
~ $627 / year

University William Booth

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa

Bachelor • 1

Established in 1996, Université William Booth (William Booth University) is a higher education institution located in the metropolis of Kinshasa (population range of over 5,000,000...

Admissions open
~ $600 / year

National Pedagogical University

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa

Bachelor • 1

The establishment was created by Ordinance No. 73 of September 22, 1961, then known as the National Pedagogical Institute of Léopoldville. Its creation aimed to fill the shortage o...

Admissions open
~ $604 / year

Protestant University of Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa

Bachelor • 1

Protestant university in Congo is a confessional university. It organizes its courses in four faculties: Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Business and Economics (FASE), Faculty of L...

Admissions open
~ $628 / year

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