Cameroon – Bachelor programs in Education and Teaching

We found 32 universities offering 34 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Education and Teaching in Cameroon

  • 32


  • 34


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $601

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Education?

A Bachelor's degree in Education prepares graduates for educational institutions. This degree offers various specialization studies, such as Primary Education, Secondary Education in Art, Drama, Mathematics, Physical Education, Technology Education, Social Studies, etc. Undergraduate students of Education gain basic knowledge and skills in pedagogy, psychology, educational management and disciplines according to the chosen specialization.

What are the duties of a graduate student of Education?

An Education graduate of Student Studies creates education programs using pedagogical methods and techniques dealing with students and their parents. Students developing methods for improving education, whilst ensuring educational process, other tasks include finding an individual approach for students and helping them reach their full potential.

Cameroon – Bachelor programs in Education and Teaching statistics provides information about 34 Bachelor programs in Education and Teaching at 32 universities in Cameroon. Furthermore, you can choose one of 34 Bachelor programs in Education and Teaching at 32 universities, 26 Master programs in Education and Teaching at 24 universities, and 13 PhD programs in Education and Teaching at 11 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Education and Teaching in Cameroon

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Cameroon.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Bamenda 11 ~ $633 Search
Douala 5 ~ $507 Search
Yaounde 5 ~ $624 Search
Buea 4 ~ $662 Search
Bertoua 1 ~ $650 Search
Bandjoun 1 ~ $560 Search
Dschang 1 ~ $90 Search
Maroua 1 ~ $733 Search

Cameroon – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $68


Cameroon – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Cameroon.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Education and Teaching in Cameroon

Foundation Training school For Health Biomedical Science and Technology

Cameroon, Bamenda

Bachelor • 2

Since it's Inception in 2009 Foundation Institute for Health Biomedical Sciences and Technology, has repeatly mounted up the ladder standing tall amongst other institutions thanks...

Admissions open
~ $727 / year

Fotabe University

Cameroon, Bamenda

Bachelor • 1

At Foundation, we believe in the Doing and not only in the knowing. That is, skill and professionalism comes first before any other iterm. With a fresh breath of well selected le...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Institute of Science Technology Cameroon

Cameroon, Bamenda

Bachelor • 1

BFRA is dedicated to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in Cameroon through research and advocacy as part of her efforts in reducing infant mortality.

Admissions open
~ $498 / year

The University of Bamenda


Bachelor • 1

The history of The University of Bamenda is inextricably linked to that of the Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology (CCAST) and Ecole Normale Supérieure Annex (ENSAB) B...

Admissions open
~ $800 / year

University of Maroua

Cameroon, Maroua

Bachelor • 1

The University of Maroua (UMa) is located in the city of Maroua, Chief Places of the Region (300,000 inhabitants), Far North Region of Cameroon. It was created by Presidential Decr...

Admissions open
~ $733 / year

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