Cameroon – Bachelor programs in Chemistry

We found 11 universities offering 11 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Chemistry in Cameroon

  • 11


  • 11


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $729

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry?

A Bachelor of Chemical Science is a degree which involves obtaining basic knowledge of structures, compositions, properties of substances and their changes. The program in Chemical Science includes theoretical and practical training courses in organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry.

What are the tasks of a graduate student of Chemical Science?

The tasks of a graduate student of Chemical Science include the study of properties, syntheses and analyses of substances, field research. Chemical science postgraduates are in demand in various domains of scientific study such as industry, pharmacology, environmental science, including biochemistry and material science.

Cameroon – Bachelor programs in Chemistry statistics provides information about 11 Bachelor programs in Chemistry at 11 universities in Cameroon. Furthermore, you can choose one of 11 Bachelor programs in Chemistry at 11 universities, 5 Master programs in Chemistry at 5 universities, and 2 PhD programs in Chemistry at 2 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Chemistry in Cameroon

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Cameroon.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Bamenda 4 ~ $810 Search
Buea 3 ~ $721 Search
Yaounde 2 ~ $694 Search
Douala 1 ~ $550 Search
Ngaoundere 1 ~ $677 Search

Cameroon – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $68


Cameroon – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Cameroon.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Chemistry in Cameroon

Higher Institute of Applied Medical Buea

Cameroon, Buea

Bachelor • 1

Institute of Applied Medical Sciences (IAMS) was founded in 2003 as a vocational training institute, accredited in 2008 as a higher institute (HIAMS) by the Ministry of Higher Educ...

Admissions open
~ $650 / year

Fotabe University

Cameroon, Bamenda

Bachelor • 1

At Foundation, we believe in the Doing and not only in the knowing. That is, skill and professionalism comes first before any other iterm. With a fresh breath of well selected le...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Higher Institute of Applied Health Sciences

Cameroon, Douala

Bachelor • 1

Founded in 2013, it is the first institute to offer a university education in health sciences and the first to have adopted the LMD pedagogical architecture

Admissions open
~ $550 / year

Bamenda University of Science and technology (BUST)

Cameroon, Bamenda

Bachelor • 1

Bamenda University of Science and Technology – (BUST) was fashioned on the Anglo-Saxon University system, which is the foundation of most Anglo-Saxon countries in the world. It was...

Admissions open
~ $570 / year


Cameroon, Yaounde

Bachelor • 1

The ISCG is the only school in Central Africa that offers high level scientific and technical training in chemistry and applications. Founded in 2011, the ISCG offers each student...

Admissions open
~ $788 / year

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