Jordan – Master programs in Culturology
We found 8 universities offering 8 Master programs.
Study the Master programs in Culturology in Jordan
Years of study
~ $2,331
Tuition fees
Who is a Master in Religious Studies & Theology?
Master of Religious Studies & Theology is a student who studies the history of religion and its impact on society. Postgraduates must hold abilities such as empathy, as well as being able to work methodically and accurately, with an independence of mind, along with organizational, teamwork, critical thinking, analysis and time management skills.
What are the main duties of a Master in Religious Studies & Theology?
Master of Religious Studies & Theology tasks includes performing ceremonies such as weddings, communions, and funerals, preparing and teaching curricula, completing administrative tasks, coordinating activities within a religious institution, supervising staff or volunteers, and providing counselling services.
Jordan – Master programs in Culturology statistics provides information about 8 Master programs in Culturology at 8 universities in Jordan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 12 Bachelor programs in Culturology at 12 universities, 8 Master programs in Culturology at 8 universities, and 6 PhD programs in Culturology at 6 universities.
Reasons to study in Jordan
No 86 in the world education ranking
No 66 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 112 in the world economy ranking
No 65 in the world safety ranking
The largest cities offering Master programs in Culturology in Jordan
Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Jordan.
Jordan – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $271
~ $269
~ $228
~ $636
Jordan – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in Jordan.
100% discount for the 1st year
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