Malta – Bachelor programs in Management
We found 4 universities offering 10 Bachelor programs.
Study the Bachelor programs in Management in Malta
Years of study
~ $9,136
Tuition fees
Who is the Bachelor of Project Management?
The Bachelor of Project Management is a specialist responsible for the implementation of projects within a time frame specified by the customer. Project management tasks include a fixed budget delivery of required quality, with limited human resources, keeping the assignment within the requirements of the customer.
What are the basic tasks of the Bachelor of Project Management?
The main responsibility of a project manager is bringing a customer's idea to a realization on time using existing resources. A manager task is to create a development plan and organize a team, along with setting up a project process, which includes providing teams and customer feedback, managers eliminate interference to the working teams which includes quality monitoring and delivering the product on time.
Malta – Bachelor programs in Management statistics provides information about 10 Bachelor programs in Management at 4 universities in Malta. Furthermore, you can choose one of 10 Bachelor programs in Management at 4 universities, 8 Master programs in Management at 4 universities, and 1 PhD program in Management at 1 university.
Reasons to study in Malta
No 40 in the world education ranking
No 42 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 15 in the world economy ranking
No 6 in the world safety ranking
Malta – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $621
~ $694
~ $276
~ $1,263
Malta – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in Malta.
100% discount for the 1st year
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