Denmark – Bachelor programs in Technology

We found 21 universities offering 21 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Technology in Denmark

  • 21


  • 21


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $7,732

    Tuition fees

Who is the Bachelor of Telecommunication?

Bachelor of Telecommunication is a postgraduate who is able to design, build and maintain communication lines and networks in working order.

What are the basic tasks of the Bachelor of Telecommunication?

Setting up and creating networks, coding signals, laying communication lines, is just part of a short list of the knowledge and skills that a specialist in telecommunication systems should learn. A modern communications engineer is a versatile person who is well versed in both engineering and technical issues and in software. A specialist in telecommunications provides access to users on the Internet, "paves" fibre-optic networks, provides IP telephony services, is responsible for setting up, operating, monitoring the network, developing it, ensuring high-quality and reliable operation of the systems.

Denmark – Bachelor programs in Technology statistics provides information about 21 Bachelor programs in Technology at 21 universities in Denmark. Furthermore, you can choose one of 21 Bachelor programs in Technology at 21 universities, 6 Master programs in Technology at 6 universities, and 2 PhD programs in Technology at 2 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Technology in Denmark

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Denmark.

Denmark – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $816


  • ~ $724


  • ~ $345


  • ~ $2,956


Denmark – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Denmark.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Technology in Denmark

VIA University College

Denmark, Horsens

Bachelor • 1

VIA University College is a university college (Danish: professionshøjskole) organisation in Central Denmark Region, Denmark, established in January 2008. It is present in the regi...

Admissions open
~ $15,187 / year

Koge Business College

Denmark, Koge

Bachelor • 1

Køge Handelsskole er en stor regional uddannelsesvirksomhed. I tæt samarbejde med erhvervslivet - virksomheder og organisationer - udvikler vi uddannelser, aktiviteter, projekter m...

Admissions open
~ $146 / year

Technical Education Frederiksberg / Teknisk Erhvervsskole Center

Denmark, Frederiksberg

Bachelor • 1

Technical Education Copenhagen (TEC) is a large Vocational Training College with a long history and a dedicated focus on future challenges and demands from our students and the lab...

Admissions open
~ $1,255 / year

Knowledge Djurs (Grenaa Business College / Grenaa Business School)

Denmark, Grenaa

Bachelor • 1

The name Viden Djurs covers the umbrella organization for VID VET and VID Gymnasium, as well as VID Further Education and Retail Division, but also Handelsgymnasium Rønde, 3D Colle...

Admissions open
~ $8,193 / year

Lillebaelt Academy of Professional Higher Education


llebaelt Academy's Region Southern Denmark's biggest academy and offers 32 higher education programs, targeting employment in business. We offer training, both full time and part...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

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