Buenos Aires – Bachelor programs in Technology

We found 19 universities offering 19 Bachelor programs in Technology in Buenos Aires.

Study the Bachelor programs in Technology in Buenos Aires

  • 19


  • 19


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $4,300

    Tuition fees

Where can the Bachelor of Telecommunication find a career?

Telecommunication companies, cellular companies, Internet providers, IP-telephony providers are ready to receive a specialist in telecommunication systems. Also, experts in this industry can consider the vacancies of network administrators, database administrators, specialists or a service center.

Why should you get the bachelor's degree in telecommunication?

Free-Apply.com employment experts recommend gaining a bachelor's degree in telecommunication as this profession stands out for good career prospects and solid income.

Argentina, Buenos Aires – Bachelor programs in Technology statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 19 Bachelor programs in Technology at 19 universities in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Furthermore, you can choose one of 19 Bachelor programs in Technology at 19 universities, 11 Master programs in Technology at 11 universities, and 2 PhD programs in Technology at 2 universities.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Argentina

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Technology in Argentina.

Argentina – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $437


  • ~ $226


  • ~ $153


  • ~ $563


Buenos Aires – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Buenos Aires.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Technology in Buenos Aires, Argentina

National University of Matanza

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Bachelor • 1

La Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM) es una universidad pública de Argentina. Fue fundada el 29 de septiembre de 1989 en San Justo, ciudad cabecera del partido de La Matan...

Admissions open
~ $6,227 / year

National University of Lanús

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Bachelor • 1

It was created on 7 as June as 1995 by national law 24,496. 1 It began its academic activity in a building of the street Havana 568, in Valentín Alsina , ceded in comodato by the F...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

National University of Comahue

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Bachelor • 1

En el año 1965, durante el gobierno de Felipe Sapag, la Legislatura Neuquina a través de la Ley Nº 414, se crea la Universidad del Neuquen. El propósito de la creación de la Unive...

Admissions open
~ $6,053 / year

National University of the Northwest of the Province of Buenos Aires

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Bachelor • 1

FLa National University of the Northwest of the Province of Buenos Aires (UNNOBA) was created on December 16, 2002 by Decree of the National Executive Branch No. 2,617, and ratifie...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Open University Interamericana

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Bachelor • 1

Established in 1995, Universidad Abierta Interamericana (Interamerican Open University) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the...

Admissions open
~ $2,500 / year

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