Heroica Matamoros – Bachelor programs in Administration

We found 3 universities offering 3 Bachelor programs in Administration in Heroica Matamoros.

Study the Bachelor programs in Administration in Heroica Matamoros

  • 3


  • 3


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $2,338

    Tuition fees

On completion of a Bachelor's degree in Administration, what are the careers available?

The list of administration careers includes positions as an administrative services manager, a medical and health services manager, a community association manager, also a business development manager and a business executive. Administrative experts can get a job in different fields of industry and service of public and private sectors.

What are the reasons to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Administration?

Free-Apply.com company specialists recommend completing a degree in Administration on the ground that this degree offers flexibility in work choices. A degree in Administration may improve organizational, analytical and problem-solving skills, which are useful in various fields.

Mexico, Heroica Matamoros – Bachelor programs in Administration statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 3 Bachelor programs in Administration at 3 universities in Heroica Matamoros, Mexico. Furthermore, you can choose one of 3 Bachelor programs in Administration at 3 universities, 1 Master program in Administration at 1 university, and 1 PhD program in Administration at 1 university.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Mexico

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Administration in Mexico.

Mexico – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $395


  • ~ $193


  • ~ $153


  • ~ $467


Heroica Matamoros – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Heroica Matamoros.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Administration in Heroica Matamoros, Mexico

Technical University of Matamoros

Mexico, Heroica Matamoros

Bachelor • 1

In 2001 under a scheme of strengthening to the higher education promoted by the President Vicente Fox Quesada and under a scheme of cooperation with the government of the state of...

Admissions open
~ $2,415 / year

University Nuevo Santander

Mexico, Heroica Matamoros

Bachelor • 1

Universidad Nuevo Santander is a higher education institution that provides comprehensive training based on the development of human potential, recognizing in each of its abilities...

Admissions open
~ $2,300 / year

Northeastern University Cente

Mexico, Heroica Matamoros

Bachelor • 1

The Northeastern University Center (CUN) is the product of the effort and work of a group of prominent citizens of Matamorenses who for more than 20 years were interested in establ...

Admissions open
~ $2,300 / year

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