Study in Tallinn

We found 13 universities in Tallinn.

Tallinn – About the city

The population of the city is 394,024. Tallinn is number 1 in Estonia by the number of universities available on There are 13 universities offering 174 study programs in Tallinn.

Estonia, Tallinn – Higher education system

The higher education system of Tallinn is represented by 13 universities, which offer 174 study programs. In addition 72 Bachelor programs at 12 universities, 80 Master programs at 13 universities, and 22 PhD programs at 4 universities.

The largest cities in Estonia

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in Estonia.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Tallinn 13 ~ $2,898 Search
Tartu 4 ~ $4,425 Search

Estonia – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $316


  • ~ $358


  • ~ $205


  • ~ $1,138


Estonia – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Tallinn.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular degree programs in Tallinn

Tallinn University of Applied Sciences

Estonia, Tallinn

Bachelor • 11 Master • 11

The history of the specialties taught at TTK University of Applied Sciences dates back to the 1920s. The first predecessor of the university was Tallinn Commercial School for Boys,...

Admissions open
~ $1,100 / year

Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA)

Estonia, Tallinn

Master • 8

The Estonian Academy of Arts, founded in 1914, is the only public university in Estonia offering higher education in fine arts, design, architecture, art culture, cultural heritage...

Admissions open
~ $2,323 / year

Estonian School of Diplomacy

Estonia, Tallinn

Bachelor • 3 Master • 3

ESTONIAN SCHOOL OF DIPLOMACY was established in 1990 with the aim to train competent personnel for the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that was being re-created at the time. T...

Admissions open
~ $4,200 / year

The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences

Estonia, Tallinn

Bachelor • 8 Master • 8

The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences is a state institution, providing professional education for civil servants belonging in the area of government under the Estonian Ministr...

Admissions open
~ $2,765 / year

Estonian Maritime Academy

Estonia, Tallinn

Bachelor • 6 Master • 6 PhD • 6

The first marine scientific school was founded in 1715 in Tallinn, Estonia , and later there was a school in Los Angeles. These so-called. computing schools were trained sailors an...

Admissions open
~ $1,800 / year

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