Moldova – Bachelor programs in History

We found 4 universities offering 4 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in History in Moldova

  • 4


  • 4


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $502

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in History?

History is a science that studies the past events using documents, archives, artefacts. A Bachelor's degree in History involves obtaining knowledge in Public History, European History, History of Russia, Islamic Civilization, Egyptology, Topics in 20th Century World History, Chinese and Japanese History, US History, etc. Students can have an internship in historical sites, museums, exhibitions during their study.

What are the tasks of a graduate student of History?

The duties of a graduate student of History may include collecting and analyzing historical information, organizing and holding exhibitions, interpreting historical data, making reports and presentation, providing advice on historical issues, etc.

Moldova – Bachelor programs in History statistics provides information about 4 Bachelor programs in History at 4 universities in Moldova. Furthermore, you can choose one of 4 Bachelor programs in History at 4 universities, 2 Master programs in History at 2 universities, and 2 PhD programs in History at 2 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in History in Moldova

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Moldova.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Chisinau 3 ~ $530 Search
Taraclia 1 ~ $417 Search

Moldova – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $41


  • ~ $181


  • ~ $138


  • ~ $285


Moldova – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Moldova.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in History in Moldova

State University of Moldova

Moldova, Chisinau

Bachelor • 1

The Moldova State University was founded on October 1, 1946 as the State University of Chisinau. Its creation was a milestone for the development, strengthening and consolidation o...

Admissions open
~ $1,164 / year

Chişinău State Pedagogical University Ion Creangă

Moldova, Chisinau

Bachelor • 1

Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University was founded by the Decree of the Government of the Moldavian SSR from on August 16 1940 the year and originally was called the Chisinau Ped...

Admissions open
~ $204 / year

Grikori Tsamblak State University

Moldova, Taraclia

Bachelor • 1

Grikori Tsamblak State University of Taraklia is a higher education institution in Taraklia , Moldova , at 4 Mira Str. The University establishes contacts with Bulgarian Higher Edu...

Admissions open
~ $417 / year

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