PhD in Sports Management

We found 197 programs worldwide.

About the PhD in Sports Management

  • 197


  • 2–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $4,232

    Annual tuition fees

  • ~ $12,130,500

    Annual salary

Who is a PhD in Sports Management?

A PhD in Sports Management is a doctorate that wants to acquire knowledge in sports from its financial and economic aspects and business prospects, especially how to start a sport institution, as well as to obtain training needed to start a path in academia. Postgraduates are required to conduct an independent investigation and write an original dissertation in one of the studies of sport.

What are the main duties of a PhD in Sports Management?

Masters holding PhD must be able to manage staff, office systems, marketing, events and facilities; to maintain adequate training schedules; to control the budget as well as to create deals. Doctorates in academia provide undergraduates with materials and tasks, conduct explorations and create new innovative methods of teaching.

Where can a PhD in Sports Management find a career?

Postgraduates can be employed in a wide range of industries, which include sports economics, finance and information, business or healthcare. PhD owners are needed in licensed sports franchises, independent sports confederations, sporting goods companies, and independent sports commerce along with management consulting firms.

Why hold a degree of PhD in Sports Management?

Analysts of company recommend obtaining the doctorate’s due to high wages and positions in international sports companies that guarantee career growth and good working environment for doctorates.

PhD in Sports Management – Where to study?

The most popular countries.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular programs in PhD in Sports Management

Linnaeus University

Sweden, Kalmar

Linnaeus University was established in 2010 through a merger between Växjö University and University of Kalmar. Linnaeus University is located in Växjö and Kalmar and offers 150 d...

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~ $0 / year

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