List of universities by your criteria

Showing 1 – 6 of over 6 results.

Syddansk Erhvervsakademi

Denmark, Odense

Bachelor • 9

Today counts Southern College about 5,100 students per year, 867 employees and more than 35 different vocational and Denmark's largest technical high school. Law on Institutions o...

Admissions open
~ $6,616 / year

Tietgen Business School / TietgenSkolen

Denmark, Odense

Bachelor • 21

Tietgen is a trade school that offers both hhx and the mercantile vocational training; EUD and EUX as well as courses and further education at Tietgen KompetenceCenter. We are prou...

Admissions open
~ $6,690 / year

Kold College (Dalum College of Food and Technology)

Denmark, Odense

Bachelor • 5

Cold College is a Danish educational institution located in Hjallese in southern Odense . The school offers vocational training in food , agriculture and dairy , academy education...

Admissions open
~ $6,522 / year

IT-VeSt University of Southern Denmark

Denmark, Odense

Bachelor • 17 Master • 34

The University of Southern Denmark was established in 1998 through a merger involving Odense University, the Southern Denmark School of Business and Engineering and South Jutland U...

Admissions open
~ $6,200 / year

Funen Art Academy

Denmark, Odense

Bachelor • 1 Master • 1

Funen Art Academy is an independent nationally recognized and-supported educational institution located in Brandts complex in central Odense . Funen Art Academy, founded in 1944 ,...

Admissions open
~ $6,231 / year

University College Lillebælt

Denmark, Odense

Bachelor • 18

University College Lillebaelt offers higher education programmes – professional bachelors degrees – where the graduates contribute to the continual development of the welfare socie...

Admissions open
~ $6,710 / year

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