List of programs by your criteria

Showing 1 – 20 of over 88 results.

Bachelor of IT

France, Poitiers

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The University of Poitiers (French: Université de Poitiers) is a university in Poitiers, France. It is a member of the Coimbra Group, as one of the oldest universities of Europe. A...

Admissions open
~ $595 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Orleans

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The University of Orleans was officially founded by Pope Clement V on January 27, 1306, with four papal bulls (a bull is a document in which the Pope recorded the various obligatio...

Admissions open
~ $706 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Versailles

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (French: University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UVSQ) is a French public university created in 1991, located in the dep...

Admissions open
~ $466 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Paris

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

With its nine Training and research departments (UFR) and its Institute of Technology (IUT), Paris Descartes University encompasses all the fields of knowledge of human and health...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Albi

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The National University Institute Jean-François Champollion (INUC) is a public scientific, cultural and professional institution in the Midi-Pyrénéen northeast, under the supervisi...

Admissions open
~ $8,906 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Toulouse

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

Toulouse 1 University Capitole is one of the several so-called 'successor' institutions of the University of Toulouse, which was the second university created in France in 1229 aft...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

International Bachelor Ygrec in Modelling and Data Science

France, Cergy

Bachelor IT 4 years Full-time

The International Bachelor Ygrec in Modelling and Data Science Programme-in English The four-year programme structure is completely new and is adapted to similar international sy...

Admissions open
~ $10,857 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Talence

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The National School of electronics, IT, telecommunications, mathematics and mechanics Bordeaux ( ENSEIRB-MATMECA ) is one of the 210 engineering colleges French authorized to issue...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Paris

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The National School of Architecture of Paris-La Villette ( ENSAPLV ) is a public institution of higher education of administrative character located in Paris in France. It is place...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Arras

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

Established in 1992, located in the the urban setting of the large town of Arras, Hauts-de-France. This institution has also branch campuses in the following location(s): Béthune,...

Admissions open
~ $640 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Paris

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The university of Paris was created at the very beginning of the 13th century, and has inherited its name from the College created by the theologian Robert de Sorbon in 1252. Along...

Admissions open
~ $5,067 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Grenoble

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The Ecole Nationale Supérieure of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics ( Ensimag ) is a large engineering school of the Grenoble INP group . Specialized in computer science, ma...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Rennes

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The University of Rennes 1 is one of the two main universities in the city of Rennes, France. It is under the Academy of Rennes. It specializes in science, technology, law, economy...

Admissions open
~ $3,196 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Evry

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The ENSIIE, formerly known as the Institute for Business Informatics (IIE), is one of the 210 French engineering schools that are authorized to award an engineering degree. Establi...

Admissions open
~ $6,200 / year

Bachelor of IT


Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

Polytech Nice-Sophia is the engineering school of Nice-Sophia Antipolis University . It is part of the Polytech network of schools of polytechnic engineering (Ecole Polytechnique U...

Admissions open
~ $3,683 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Rennes

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

Founded in 1991, ECAM Rennes, Grande Ecole Française, confers Master's Level Engineering Degrees and offers training in engineering: course work, internships in our labs in R&D pro...

Admissions open
~ $3,830 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Dunkerque

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

The first university relocation of the region was set up by the University of Lille that sets up in 1963 a university college of science education at Calais. A project to transform...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Nancy

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

ICN Business School is located in the East of France, close to the borders of Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg. Founded in 1905, it is one of the leading Business Schools in France....

Admissions open
~ $7,650 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Gradignan

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

Bordeaux Sciences Agro is a public institution of higher education and agronomic research under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forestry. Created in 1...

Admissions open
~ $4,641 / year

Bachelor of IT

France, Troyes

Bachelor IT 3 years Full-time

he University of Technology of Troyes (Université de Technologie de Troyes; UTT) is a French university, in the Academy of Reims. The UTT is part of the network of the three univer...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

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