List of universities by your criteria

Showing 1 – 10 of over 10 results.

Pavlodar State University S Toraigyrov

Kazakhstan, Pavlodar

Bachelor • 1

Pavlodar State University. S. Toraigyrova is one of the largest universities in Kazakhstan, which is the center of education, science and culture not only in the Pavlodar region, b...

Admissions open
~ $571 / year

Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University

Kazakhstan, Oral

Bachelor • 1

The university is today an institute of economy and management, culture and art institute, faculties: natural-mathematical, pedagogical, philological, history and law, college, the...

Admissions open
~ $1,337 / year

Kyzylorda State University Korkyt Ata

Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda

Bachelor • 1

March 24, 1998. - Kyzylorda Polytechnic Institute named after A.Sh. I.Zhakhaev by merging with the Kyzylorda Humanitarian University. Korkyt Ata was reorganized into Kyzylorda Stat...

Admissions open
~ $475 / year

Bolashak University

Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda

Bachelor • 1

The mission of the university is to improve the formation of a modern scientific and educational environment in which the training of highly qualified personnel on the principles o...

Admissions open
~ $475 / year

Sh Ualikhanov Kokshetau University

Kazakhstan, Kokshetau

Bachelor • 1

The university was founded in 1996. Kokshetau State University named after Shokan Ualikhanov has several structural subdivisions: a scientific center, a quality management system s...

Admissions open
~ $998 / year

Kazakh University of Economy, Finance and International Trade

Kazakhstan, Astana

Bachelor • 1

The Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade (KazUEFMT) is a specialized economic university in the capital of Kazakhstan. It is part of: the top 10 among th...

Admissions open
~ $1,954 / year

St. Petersburg Humanities University of Trade Unions Almaty Branch

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Bachelor • 1

St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions is a Russian higher educational institution in St. Petersburg with branches in Alma-Ata, Vladivostok, Kirov, Krasnoyarsk, Sam...

Admissions open
~ $1,400 / year

Kokshetau University Abai Myrzakhmetov

Kazakhstan, Kokshetau

Bachelor • 1

Kokshetau University named after Abai Myrzahmetov was organized in 2000 in accordance with the requirements of new socio-economic processes and reforms taking place in the Republic...

Admissions open
~ $950 / year

M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University

Kazakhstan, Taraz

Bachelor • 1

The task of Taraz State University is to provide assistance to students in realizing their abilities, in choosing ways to achieve the goal. Care for students in TarSU is the equipp...

Admissions open
~ $1,407 / year

Taraz State Pedagogical University

Kazakhstan, Taraz

Bachelor • 1

The mission of Taraz state pedagogical Institute is a continuous and systematic training of highly qualified pedagogical staff - teachers of the new formation, popular both in the...

Admissions open
~ $1,366 / year

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