List of universities by your criteria
Showing 1 – 20 of over 25 results.
Vistula University
Poland, Warsaw
Glad to inform you that we a are offering an scholarship for our candidates. Please check: Choose Vistula Universit...
Vistula School of Hospitality
Poland, Warsaw
Choose Vistula University and the Vistula School of Hospitality. These reputable universities, founded by Poland’s leading experts, are well-established in the education market. We...
University of Finance and Management in Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
University of Finance and Management in Warsaw (abbreviated WSFiZ ) - non-public higher education institution operating on the basis of the Act of 27 July 2005 - Law on Higher Educ...
University of Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
University of Warsaw (historical names: Royal University of Warsaw , the Imperial University of Warsaw , University of Jozef Pilsudski in Warsaw ) - Polish public university founde...
Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
The history of the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw dates as far back as to the beginning of the 20th century. Today the University is a modern and an int...
The University of Technology and Economics them. Helena Chodkowska
Poland, Warsaw
The University of Technology and Economics them. Helena Chodkowska in Warsaw (until 2004. As the School of Management and Marketing, 2014 School of Management and Law. Chodkowska H...
Warsaw School of Social Psychology
Poland, Warsaw
University of Social Sciences and Humanities and the University of Social Psychology (where 'Social Psychology' means 'School of Social Sciences') is a non-public school located in...
Warsaw School of Economics
Poland, Warsaw
SGH Warsaw School of Economics is the oldest university of economics in Poland. Its mission has continuously been educating economists and business leaders serving the nation, coun...
Fine Arts Academy Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
In 1816, the Faculty of Fine Arts was established at the University of Warsaw. Marcello Bacciarelli, Zygmunt Vogel. After the censure of the University of Warsaw in 1831, the Russi...
University of Social Sciences
Poland, Warsaw
The most important task facing higher education, is training to labor market needs talented graduates to meet the demands of the twenty-first century and prepared to take an active...
Bobolanum Pontifical Faculty of Theology
Poland, Warsaw
The history of the Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Section St. John the Baptist dates back to the sixties of the twentieth century, so difficult in the life of the Church in Poland...
Collegium Civitas in Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
Collegium Civitas (CC) is a non-public high school in Warsaw, which was established in 1997. Registered in the register of private universities of the Ministry of Science and Highe...
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw is one of the oldest and largest art institutions of higher education in Poland. The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw provides art education in tw...
Warsaw Management School Graduate and Postgraduate School
Poland, Warsaw
The Warsaw School of Management - Higher School is organizing the 22nd of June this year. In Odessa, Ukraine, a foreign scientific conference. The purpose of the conference is to p...
Academy of Cosmetics and Health Care
Poland, Warsaw
The university was founded in 2000 on the initiative of the Department of Vocational Training Center in Warsaw, as a response to market demand for well-trained specialists in the...
University of Mazovia in Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
School Mazowiecka Warsaw - non-public school entered in the register of non-public schools and trade private universities under No. 304, led by the Minister of Science and Higher E...
Pedagogium Higher School of Resocialization Pedagogics in Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
Pedagogium Higher School of Resocialization Pedagogics in Warsaw is a professional education of specialists in prevention, care, education, social and public order and safety as we...
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
Poland, Warsaw
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (pjait, Polish: pjatk) was founded in 1994 as the fruit of cooperation of governments of Poland and Japan. Since its early years i...
Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Agricultural University)
Poland, Warsaw
The origins of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS – SGGW)* date back to 1816, to the creation of the Institute of Agronomy in Marymont, the first agricultural institution...
Higher School of Infrastructure and Management in Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw
The mission of the School of Engineering and Health is to educate and profiling careers students through the implementation of degree programs to the needs of economic, social and...