Lista de programas según sus criterios
Mostrando 1 – 20 de más de 33 resultados.
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Mendoza
The University of Mendoza (UM) is an institution of higher education and private management, which heads the Supreme Council from its own teachers. Since 1960, she is firmly commit...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Rosario
The University Institute of the Grand Rosary (IUGR) is an educational institution dedicated to the production of knowledge and the training of professionals with a transdisciplinar...
898 – A hope is born. An Adventist group of pioneers, leaded by Pastor Francisco Westphal, gave rise to Colegio adventista del Plata (Del Plata Adventist College). There were six s...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
On October 4, 1991, by resolution of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Justice of the Nation, the operation of the University of Business and Social Sciences (UCES) was author...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
On May 9, 1967, Dr. René G. Favaloro undertook the first successful aortocoronary by-pass surgery using the saphenous vein. The procedure was conducted at the Cleveland Clinic in t...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
The collective enthusiasm of a group of professionals who at the end of the 1980s had a majority participation in the management of the Ministry of Health of the province of Buenos...
Argentina, Bariloche
This institution is one of the most prestigious research centers in Latin America. Its special characteristics, both, in the training of students and in the approach to research, m...
Master of Medicine
La Universidad Nacional de La Pampa (UNLPam) es una universidad pública argentina con sede central en la ciudad de Santa Rosa, en la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Fue fundada p...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
The FASTA University (Fraternity of Saint Thomas Aquinas Groupings) is, according to the definition of the Holy Father Paul VI, a community of professors, students and collaborator...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Ciudad de Santa Fe
Open University Interamericana, also known by its acronym, UAI, integrates the network of institutions Vanguardia Educativa "VANEDUC", non-confessional entities dedicated to teachi...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Mendoza
On 4th May, 1960, The University Juan Agustín Maza was born as a civil society without means of profits, whose motif, “Horno res sacra homini” (The man is sacred for the man), was...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
The history of the HA Barceló Foundation and its commitment to the development of biomedical science in Argentina is inextricably linked to the history of its founder . His commit...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Ciudad de Santiago del Estero
Established in 1960, Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (Catholic University of Santiago del Estero) is a private higher education institution located in the large town of...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
For more than 50 years, when it was founded by the Society of Jesus, the educational action of the University of Salvador (USAL) is guided by a humanistic and Christian conception...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Córdoba
Established in 1956, Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Catholic University of Córdoba) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of th...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Ciudad de Corrientes
The National University of the Northeast (UNNE) is a public university of Argentina with rectorate in the city of Corrientes and vicerrectorado in Resistencia, provinces of Corrien...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Ciudad de San Juan
Founded in 1953, Universidad Católica de Cuyo (Catholic University of Cuyo) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the medium-size...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
The history of IUPFA goes back to August 2, 1974 with the creation of the so-called Superior Academy of Police Studies . Among the main causes that gave rise to it, there was the n...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
Established in 1958, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the...
Master of Medicine
Argentina, Buenos Aires
En el año 1965, durante el gobierno de Felipe Sapag, la Legislatura Neuquina a través de la Ley Nº 414, se crea la Universidad del Neuquen. El propósito de la creación de la Unive...