List of universities by your criteria
Mostrando 61 – 80 de más de 481 resultados.
Polytechnic School of the University of Tours
Francia, Tours
The school was created in 2002 by the merger of three components of the University of Tours: The Center for Graduate Studies in Development, established in 1969, trained specialist...
University of Bordeaux Montaigne
Francia, Pessac
Bordeaux- III University was founded in 1971 as a result of the division into three of the former Bordeaux University reconstituted in 1896 . The project to relocate the faculty of...
EDC Paris Business School
Francia, Courbevoie
EDC Paris Business School, also called Ecole des Dirigeants et des Créateurs d'entreprise, is a French business School in the city of Paris based in the major business district of...
University of Clermont-Ferrand 2 Blaise Pascal
Francia, Clermont-Ferrand
Blaise Pascal University (French: Université Blaise-Pascal), also known as Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II or just Clermont-Ferrand II, is a public university with it...
University of Corsica Pascal Paoli
Francia, Corte
The University of Corse-Pascal-Paoli (UCPP) is a French institution of higher education. It is the only university present in Corsica. The University of Corsica welcomes around 4,...
University Clermont Auvergne
Francia, Clermont-Ferrand
Une première Université existait entre le XIIe siècle et la fin du XVe siècle à Billom, comptant jusqu’à 2000 étudiants, à l’égal des grandes Universités de Montpellier, Toulouse e...
University Lumiere Lyon 2
Francia, Lyon
Until July 1973, the Lyon II university included all the disciplines of human, social, legal and economic sciences. At that time, a split took place, which was directly a consequen...
University of Perpignan Via Domitia
Francia, Perpiñán
The University of Perpignan was created in 1350 by the Aragonese king Peter the Ceremonious, who wanted to make the city a dynamic and attractive city. Later, in the eighteenth cen...
National School of Art of Bourges
Francia, Bourges
Located in an 18th century building in the historic heart of the city, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Art in Bourges (Ensa) is characterized by its vast working spaces, its numer...
National School of Geology
Francia, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy
Originally created in 1908 by René Nicklès , the Institute of Applied Geology of Nancy (IGAN) is only a modest structure when Marcel Roubault took over in 1938. He transformed it i...
ITESCIA, the school of i-management
Francia, Pontoise
ITESCIA is an entity of the CCI Paris Ile-de-France , a public establishment of an administrative nature of the State. As such, the school is part of a consular network of 24 educ...
Regional Institute of Social Work of Languedoc-Roussillon
Francia, Montpellier
The association FAIRE Economie Sociale et Solidaire is the result of the merger on 1 January 2017 of the management associations of the IRTS of Languedoc Roussillon, the Center for...
International Business School
Francia, Lognes
ESCI prepares students for executive positions in an international environment, such as international trade, international marketing or international purchases. To master the comp...
CY Cergy Paris Université - CY Tech
Francia, Cergy
Located in Greater Paris and in Pau, CY Tech is primarily an Engineering Graduate School. It has earned the “Grande Ecole” status, the highest recognition stated by the French Mini...
Telecom ParisTech
Francia, París
Telecom ParisTech, formerly Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Telecom Paris and Ecole Supérieure de Telegraphie, is one of the most prestigious French engineering...
University of Corsica Pascal Paoli
Francia, Corte
The University of Corsica was founded in 1765 by General Pasquale Paoli. The university claim was expressed from the beginning of the Corsican revolution in 1731. The University of...
University of the Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
Francia, París
After May 68 , the law on higher education "Faure" reorganized the universities. The University of Paris is divided and Sorbonne Nouvelle University is1 st January 1970. In 2010, t...
University of the West Indies and Guyana
Francia, Pessac
Although tertiary education existed in the Antilles-Guyana at the end of the nineteenth century in embryonic forms, higher education developed mainly after the Second World War, wi...
National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon
Francia, Villeurbanne
INSA Lyon is a leading engineering school with strong humanist values that have formed the basis of its business model for more than 50 years. Created in 1957 by philosopher Gasto...
The Rennes School of Business
Francia, Rennes
The world has become a “global village” where economies are closely interrelated, political, social and cultural dimensions tightly interwoven or openly confrontational. This bring...