Liste des programmes selon vos critères
Montrant 1 – 11 de plus de 11 résultats.
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Tournai
HEPH - Condorcet Belgium has had international relations with many countries in Europe and in the World for a few years. For a long time, it has established close collaboration li...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Liège
The University of Liège (abbreviated ULg), is a Belgian public and pluralistic university located in Liège. Founded in 1817 in the buildings of the former Jesuit college, the unive...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Courtrai
VIVES University College, with its modern and competence-based higher education, its innovative practical research, and its services provided to society, offers an adequate respons...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Gand
De Hogeschool Gent, kortweg HoGent, is een van de 17 Vlaamse hogescholen. Ze ontstond in 1995 bij de hervorming van het hoger onderwijs in Vlaanderen uit een fusie van dertien onde...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Bruxelles
The university college vzw Odisee is the result of a merger between two Flemish university colleges, Hogeschool‑Universiteit Brussel (HUB) and Katholieke Hogeschool Sint‑Lieven (KA...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Lucia de Brouckère was the first woman to teach in a faculty of science in Belgium and an outstanding pedagogue. It is in this double title that his name was chosen in order to spo...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Hasselt
Hogeschool PXL telt 22 basisopleidingen (19 professionele bacheloropleidingen,3 masters), 5 bachelor-na-bacheloropleidingen, 1 specifieke lerarenopleiding en 20 postgraduaten. Dez...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Geel
Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen is a University College with eleven departments and more than 6,400 students. KH Kempen University College has always been an impulse for regional deve...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Namur
Développer vos compétences, construire votre projet professionnel avec le soutien d’une équipe pédagogique et administrative à l’écoute de vos besoins : en vous inscrivant à la Hau...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Mouscron
La Haute École Louvain en Hainaut (en abrégé HELHa) est une haute école belge de la province de Hainaut, possédant également une implantation dans le Brabant wallon, à Louvain-la-N...
Bachelor of Agriculture
Belgique, Verviers
The Haute École Charlemagne is one of the six Hautes Écoles organized by the French Community of Belgium. The Charlemagne HE is in close partnership with the University Academy Wal...