Liste des programmes selon vos critères
Montrant 1 – 20 de plus de 55 résultats.
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Padang
UNAND is the oldest university outside of Java Island, and the fourth oldest university in Indonesia. This university was established in 1956 following the Decree of Minister of Ed...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Yogyakarta
Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta (Yogya UMB) which formerly stood by name IPWI (Institute of Agricultural House of Mangala Indonesia), which later changed its name to Universit...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Malang
On 18 October 1954 Prof. Mr. Muhammad Yamin the former Minister of Education and Culture officially inaugurated Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG Malang) or Teacher Education...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Yogyakarta
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) is one of the leading private universities in Indonesia. Inspired by the spirit of nationalism and guided by perennial values, UII was founded one...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Pasuruan
Until now, Yudharta Pasuruan University has five faculties, namely: Faculty of Engineering which manage four study program are: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industria...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Surabaya
he University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya was originally comprised of several existing higher education institutions. These institutions are the Faculty of Religious Studies Departmen...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Bandar
Established in 1987, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung (Muhammadiyah University of Lampung) is a private higher education institution located in the medium-sized city of Bandar Lamp...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Jakarta
Profile Tama Jagakarsa University is one of the universities under the auspices of Yayasan Perguruan jagakarsa (YAPERJAS). Tama Jagakarsa University Campus is located at Jl.Letjen...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Pekanbaru
The State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim (UIN Suska) Riau is the result of the development / improvement of educational status of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sul...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Salatiga
Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU), started out with the name Indonesian Christian Teaching Educational Tertiary Institution (PTPG-KI). It was officiated on November 30, 1956...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Jakarta
Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA) is one of the private universities in Jakarta , which is one of the networks of Muhammadiyah Universities in Indonesia. The univers...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Banda Aceh
Welcome to the campus of Universitas UBudiyah Indonesia (UUI), a university dedicated to the creation of future scientists, researchers, professionals and Acehnese leaders. On camp...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Semarang
Universitas Aki merupakan salah satu Perguruan Tinggi swasta di indonesia yang berbentuk Universitas, dikelola oleh dikti dan termasuk kedalam kopertis wilayah 6. Kampus ini telah...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Jakarta
Tarumanagara University is a university in Jakarta, Indonesia and one of the oldest private universities in the country. It has four campuses in Jakarta.
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Yogyakarta
As one of the oldest universities in Indonesia, Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta (UP45) always strives to show its role in providing qualified and competent human resources as...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Bandung
Founded in 1965, Universitas Kristen Maranatha (Maranatha Christian University) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large c...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Jakarta
Y ayasan Pendidikan Borobudur (YPB) which was founded on March 11, 1971 is a non-profit institution intended by its founder, Prof. Dr. H. Basir Barthos, as a contribution as a memb...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Pekanbaru
Founded in 1962, Universitas Islam Riau (Islamic University of Riau) is a private higher education institution located in the medium-sized city of Pekanbaru (population range of 50...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Surabaya
Airlangga University (abbreviated UNAIR) is a state university located in Surabaya, East Java. The university was founded on November 10, 1954 to coincide with the day of the 9th h...
Bachelor of Psychology
Indonésie, Depok
Gunadarma University (UG) or commonly called Gunadarma, is one of Private University in Indonesia. The main campus is in Depok City, West Java.