Список программ по вашим критериям

Показано 101 – 120 из 121 результата.

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Сержи

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, ENSEA aims to train its students in engineering careers in the fields of electronics, embedded systems, tele...

Набор открыт
~ 6 632 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Тулуза

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Sciences Po Toulouse is housed since 1956 in buildings of city center, 2 ter rue des Puits Creusés, in front of the university Toulouse 1 Capitole, to which the establishment is at...

Набор открыт
~ 3 268 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Арль

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

The National School of Photography ( ENSP ) is a public school dedicated to the teaching of photography, created in 1982 and located in Arles , Bouches-du-Rhône. It is the only sch...

Набор открыт
~ 1 000 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Бордо

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

ESTEI is a private higher education institution established in 1938 in Bordeaux. It is over 70 years of experience in the knowledge of the trades taught and the pedagogical know-ho...

Набор открыт
~ 5 338 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Вильжюиф

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

ESIGETEL, a member of the Conference des Grandes Ecoles is a young and innovative school that has built a reputation for itself by producing, as of today, more than 1,850 well-trai...

Набор открыт
~ 4 800 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Evry

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Telecom Business School (ex INT Management) is a French state-funded Management School, a member of Institut Mines-Telecom (ex GET : Groupe des Ecoles des Télécommunications), of t...

Набор открыт
~ 6 832 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Клермон-Ферран

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Une première Université existait entre le XIIe siècle et la fin du XVe siècle à Billom, comptant jusqu’à 2000 étudiants, à l’égal des grandes Universités de Montpellier, Toulouse e...

Набор открыт
~ 861 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Гренобль

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

The Ecole Nationale Supérieure of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics ( Ensimag ) is a large engineering school of the Grenoble INP group . Specialized in computer science, ma...

Набор открыт
~ 1 000 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Пау

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

On 17 December 1970, a presidential decree formalised the creation of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), comprising the three existing Teaching and Research Units...

Набор открыт
~ 783 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Париж

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

With its nine Training and research departments (UFR) and its Institute of Technology (IUT), Paris Descartes University encompasses all the fields of knowledge of human and health...

Набор открыт
~ 1 000 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Гавр

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Founded in 1984, Le Havre Normandie University now has nearly 8,000 students. University of proximity, it is attentive to the reception and the human and professional promotion of...

Набор открыт
~ 1 000 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Сент-Этьен

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Jean Monnet University (Université Jean Monnet, or Université de Saint-Etienne) is a French public university, based in Saint-Étienne. It is under the Academy of Lyon and belongs t...

Набор открыт
~ 1 212 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Ле-Ман

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

The meeting of the higher schools of fine arts in Tours, Angers and Le Mans as a Public Establishment for Cultural Co-operation appears first and foremost as the completion of a pe...

Набор открыт
~ 891 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Бордо

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

The Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute (trade name: Bordeaux INP) is a higher education institution, under the supervision of the ministry responsible for higher education and research...

Набор открыт
~ 5 982 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Монпелье

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (IAMM), an intergovernmental organization established in 1962, is one of the four institutes of the International Center for Ad...

Набор открыт
~ 5 300 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Монпелье

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

The "Edgar Faure" law of 12 November 1968, named after the then Minister of Education, marks a break in French education by redefining the status of universities. In particular, it...

Набор открыт
~ 13 116 $ / год

Computer Science

Франция, Мюлуз

Магистр Информатика 0 лет Очная

University of Upper Alsace (French Université de Haute-Alsace, UHA) is a multidisciplinary teaching and research centre based in the two cities of Mulhouse and Colmar. Today, UHA i...

Набор открыт
~ 990 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Гренобль

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Grenoble Institute of Technology is a public sector technology university with over 4 800 students and 1,100 teaching and research fellows, admin and technical staff. Over 1,170 en...

Набор открыт
~ 8 767 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Марсель

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Well before the 1970’s, the SMF (’Société Mathématique de France’) and several French mathematicians were involved in discussions to find a site which would be dedicated to intern...

Набор открыт
~ 8 800 $ / год

Master of Computer Science

Франция, Вандёвр-ле-Нанси

Магистр Информатика 2 года Очная

Higher School of Natural Sciences and Technology de Nancy (ESSTIN) - French universalist Grande école, located in Nancy. It was established in 1960 under the name ISIN and is now p...

Набор открыт
~ 1 372 $ / год

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