Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 721 – 740 из 991 результата.
Master of Logistics
Франция, Версаль
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (French: University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UVSQ) is a French public university created in 1991, located in the dep...
Master of Engineering
Франция, Анже
ESEO is a comprehensive Institute of Science and Technology founded in 1956. It has received its accreditation from the CTI -Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs continuously since 1...
Master of Environmental Studies
Франция, Дуэ
L'École nationale supérieure des mines de Douai est une école d'ingénieurs ayant existé entre 1878 et 2017. A cette date, elle fusionne avec Télécom Lille pour créer l’École nation...
Master of Technology
Франция, Guer
General Frédéric Blachon took command of the schools of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan and the Defense Base of Vannes-Coëtquidan on 1 August 2015. Le général de division Frédéric Blachon ©...
Master of Environmental Studies
Франция, Вандёвр-ле-Нанси
L’École Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires of Nancy enrolls 170 Agronomy Engineers and Food Science Engineers each year, placing it second in all the F...
Master of Economics
Франция, Дижон
The National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Food and Environment, whose usual name is Agrosup Dijon, is one of the 210 French engineering schools authorized to award an engine...
Master of Communication
Франция, Лилль
Created in 1991, Sciences Po Lille is a large public selective school of human and social sciences. It is part of the Sciences Po network of joint competitions. The school is also...
Master of Marketing
Франция, Ecully
On October 14th 1872, the School of Business of Lyon opened its doors to 75 pupils and 17 teachers in an 18th century building in the heart of Lyon. By 1875, the School had 118 pup...
Master of Natural Sciences
Франция, Тур
The school was created in 2002 by the merger of three components of the University of Tours: The Center for Graduate Studies in Development, established in 1969, trained specialist...
Master of Medicine
Франция, Версаль
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (French: University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UVSQ) is a French public university created in 1991, located in the dep...
Master of Management
Франция, Тулуза
n the late 1950s, Émile Durand, the dean of the Faculty of Science in Toulouse, launched the idea of creating an American-style campus to house the faculty of science; At the sam...
Master of Engineering
Франция, Ля Дефанс
The ESILV is one of the 210 French engineering schools authorized to award an engineering degree . Founded in 1995, it offers several courses in continuing education or apprentices...
Master of Arts
Франция, Пау
The Pyrenees - Pau Tarbes High School of Art offers professional training recognized in the European network of higher education. The ESA of the Pyrenees enjoys a varied artistic a...
Master of Biomedicine
Франция, Ренн
The University of Rennes 1 is one of the two main universities in the city of Rennes, France. It is under the Academy of Rennes. It specializes in science, technology, law, economy...
Master of Logistics
Франция, Гренобль
Grenoble Institute of Technology is a public sector technology university with over 4 800 students and 1,100 teaching and research fellows, admin and technical staff. Over 1,170 en...
Master of Training
Франция, Шамони
Established in 1943, ENSA was originally given the dual mission of ensuring: the training of professionals in mountain sports; the development of teaching methods in skiing and mou...
Master of Design
Франция, Нанси
L'École nationale supérieure des mines de Nancy, ou Mines Nancy Artem4, également connue sous le nom École des mines de Nancy, est l'une des 210 écoles d'ingénieurs françaises habi...
Master of Education
Франция, Париж
The Institut de Langue Française was founded in 1986 in Paris. The ILF is located just 300 meters from Parc Monceau and not far from the Champs Elysees . By attending our French c...
Master of Chemistry
Франция, Париж
ESPCI Paris is a major institution of higher education (a French "Grande École d’ingénieurs"), an internationally renowned research center, and a fertile ground of innovation for i...
Франция, Мюлуз
University of Upper Alsace (French Université de Haute-Alsace, UHA) is a multidisciplinary teaching and research centre based in the two cities of Mulhouse and Colmar. Today, UHA i...