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Показано 41 – 60 из 60 результатов.
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Амьен
The University of Amiens1 or the University of Picardie-Jules-Verne is a French university founded in 1969, with its headquarters in Amiens but with several campuses Towns of the H...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Париж
A hundred languages and civilizations are taught at the Inalco ... A major public institution with a scientific, cultural and professional character, Inalco is dedicated to teachi...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Париж
The university of Paris was created at the very beginning of the 13th century, and has inherited its name from the College created by the theologian Robert de Sorbon in 1252. Along...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Лорьян
University of South Brittany (Université de Bretagne-Sud) was founded in 1995. It is a multidisciplinary institution with two main campuses situated in Lorient and Vannes, Brittany...
Ancient Languages and Literature
Франция, Шан-сюр-Марн
University of Paris-Est (UPE) federates within a community of universities and institutions 22 institutions characterized by the diversity of their missions and their ministerial a...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Нант
If the history of the first university of Nantes, that which stretches from its foundation in 1460 at the initiative of the dukes of Brittany until its suppression by the French Re...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Сен-Клер-дю-Рон
The IRTS Normandie-Caen is a higher education institution approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Regional Council of Normandy. It offers diplomas and qualifications cou...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Шамбери
The Savoie-Mont-Blanc University, formerly known as the University of Savoie and officially called the University of Chambéry1, is a French university located in the departments of...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Клермон-Ферран
Clermont-Ferrand had only one university in the nineteenth century. In 1976, due to political divergences following the Faure law of 1969, the university was split into two. The Un...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Гавр
Founded in 1984, Université du Havre (University of Le Havre) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large town of Le Havre (po...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Сен-Дени
Depuis sa création comme Centre expérimental à Vincennes en 1969 puis son implantation à Saint-Denis en 1980, l’université Paris 8 est aujourd’hui un pôle d’enseignement et de rech...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Сент-Этьен
Jean Monnet University (Université Jean Monnet, or Université de Saint-Etienne) is a French public university, based in Saint-Étienne. It is under the Academy of Lyon and belongs t...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Монпелье
The association FAIRE Economie Sociale et Solidaire is the result of the merger on 1 January 2017 of the management associations of the IRTS of Languedoc Roussillon, the Center for...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Корт
The University of Corsica was founded in 1765 by General Pasquale Paoli. The university claim was expressed from the beginning of the Corsican revolution in 1731. The University of...
Франция, Шан-сюр-Марн
University of Paris-Est (UPE) federates within a community of universities and institutions 22 institutions characterized by the diversity of their missions and their ministerial a...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Canteleu
The IRTS-IDS Normandie (Regional Institute of Labor Social-Institute of Social Development Normandy), has a public service mission, reaffirmed by the Law against exclusions of July...
Foreign Languages and Literature
Франция, Шан-сюр-Марн
University of Paris-Est (UPE) federates within a community of universities and institutions 22 institutions characterized by the diversity of their missions and their ministerial a...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Альби
The National University Institute Jean-François Champollion (INUC) is a public scientific, cultural and professional institution in the Midi-Pyrénéen northeast, under the supervisi...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Ecully
Strengthened by 150 years of experience, the mission of Ecole Centrale de Lyon is to educate its students to become generalist engineers and multi-disciplined post-graduate leaders...
PhD in Humanities
Франция, Нант
In keeping with the traditions of French Engineering schools (grandes écoles d'ingénieurs), Centrale Nantes, founded in 1919, trains versatile engineers to a very high scientific a...