Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 21 – 40 из 136 результатов.
Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux
Франция, Бордо
The Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute (trade name: Bordeaux INP) is a higher education institution, under the supervision of the ministry responsible for higher education and research...
Panthéon-Assas University
Франция, Париж
Panthéon-Assas was established so as to take over from the faculty of law and economics of the University of Paris (Sorbonne University), which had been founded in the middle of th...
Hesam University
Франция, Париж
In order to further encourage synergy between existing actors and institutions, and to strongly enhance their international attractiveness, France decided to reorganise the entire...
University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis
Франция, Famars
In 1962 , opens an IUT in Mechanical Engineering. In 1964 , an antenna of the Faculty of Sciences of Lille was created in Famars. The raw materials are taught mechanics, metallurgy...
Regional Institute of Social Work Institute of Social Development Normandy
Франция, Canteleu
The IRTS-IDS Normandie (Regional Institute of Labor Social-Institute of Social Development Normandy), has a public service mission, reaffirmed by the Law against exclusions of July...
University of Bordeaux Montaigne
Франция, Пессак
Bordeaux- III University was founded in 1971 as a result of the division into three of the former Bordeaux University reconstituted in 1896 . The project to relocate the faculty of...
EDC Paris Business School
Франция, Курбевуа
EDC Paris Business School, also called Ecole des Dirigeants et des Créateurs d'entreprise, is a French business School in the city of Paris based in the major business district of...
University Clermont Auvergne
Франция, Клермон-Ферран
Une première Université existait entre le XIIe siècle et la fin du XVe siècle à Billom, comptant jusqu’à 2000 étudiants, à l’égal des grandes Universités de Montpellier, Toulouse e...
University Lumiere Lyon 2
Франция, Лион
Until July 1973, the Lyon II university included all the disciplines of human, social, legal and economic sciences. At that time, a split took place, which was directly a consequen...
ITESCIA, the school of i-management
Франция, Понтуаз
ITESCIA is an entity of the CCI Paris Ile-de-France , a public establishment of an administrative nature of the State. As such, the school is part of a consular network of 24 educ...
Regional Institute of Social Work of Languedoc-Roussillon
Франция, Монпелье
The association FAIRE Economie Sociale et Solidaire is the result of the merger on 1 January 2017 of the management associations of the IRTS of Languedoc Roussillon, the Center for...
International Business School
Франция, Lognes
ESCI prepares students for executive positions in an international environment, such as international trade, international marketing or international purchases. To master the comp...
CY Cergy Paris Université - CY Tech
Франция, Сержи
Located in Greater Paris and in Pau, CY Tech is primarily an Engineering Graduate School. It has earned the “Grande Ecole” status, the highest recognition stated by the French Mini...
The Rennes School of Business
Франция, Ренн
The world has become a “global village” where economies are closely interrelated, political, social and cultural dimensions tightly interwoven or openly confrontational. This bring...
Free University of Applied Sciences
Франция, Париж
Established in 1949, ESLSCA has trained more than 15,000 former students who now occupy positions of responsibility both in France and abroad. They have benefited the ESLSCA from m...
Kedge Business School
Франция, Таланс
KEDGE Business School is a French business school and grande école. Located in Bordeaux, Marseille, Toulon and Paris, the school is a merger between two business schools: BEM (ESC...
University Institute of Technology Michel Montaigne Bordeaux
Франция, Бордо
The Bordeaux University Institute of Technology is a university institute of technology in Bordeaux providing professional training in the field of information and communication....
Institute for Council and Enterprise Development
Франция, Анже
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Management was inaugurated in 2015. It combines training in economics, management, law, labor sciences, human resources management, advice, manage...
Groupe Icoges
Франция, Париж
ICOGES propose en premier cycle, un large éventail de formations sanctionnées par des Diplômes d'Etat dans de nombreux domaines (commerce, vente, transport, banque, assurance, immo...
Higher Institute of Commerce and Informatics of Orsay
Франция, Орсе
Yesterday 1991: Tertiary BTS: Action Co, Sales Force, Management Assistant, Accounting... 1993: First training center in the Essonne (450 young people). 1998: 1st Microsoft Certi...