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Показано 1 – 20 из 32 результатов.
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Джакарта
Trilogy University is a development of the School of Economics Finance and Banking Indonesia (STEKPI), which was established in 1988, shelter under the Indonesian Education Develop...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Сурабая
Entering the age of 54, Petra Christian University (UK Petra) increasingly established the role as one of the oldest and most famous private universities in Surabaya. By bringing t...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Бандунг
Institut Teknologi Harapan bangsa was founded by Yayasan Petra Harapan Bangsa in 2002, with a vision to become a regionally recognized university that educates future leaders who m...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Бандунг
The National Institute of Technology, is a private, technology-oriented university located in Bandung, Indonesia.
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Макассар
Established in 1961, Universitas Negeri Makassar is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large city of Makassar, South Sulawesi....
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Бандунг
In 1985, starting from the desire to introduce applied computer science to Indonesian society, a number of educators from state and private Higher Education Institutions, and compu...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Метро
The existence of Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro (UM Metro) is based on integration with: (1) Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Metro (2) Sekolah Tinggi Ekono...
Bachelor of Design
University Computer Indonesia (UNIKOM) was officially established on Tuesday, August 8, 2000 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Джоджакарта
Campus which was founded on cooperation of P4TK Foundation of Art and Culture Yogyakarta with Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2001. It has 2 majors ie Design and Craft Design with hi...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Джакарта
On December 4, 1994, two foundations, Wakaf Paramadina Foundation and Pondok Mulya Foundation, each engaged in education and oriented towards Islamic values, agreed to cooperate an...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Бандунг
University of Informatics and Business Indonesia (UNIBI) is an amalgamation of Polytechnic Ganesha Bandung with Higher School of Economics (STIE) Pelita Nusantara, based on Decree...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Джакарта
The University of Bunda Mulia (also known as "University of Bunda Mulia" or "UBM") is a private university in Indonesia with a center of learning activities located in North Jakart...
Bachelor of Design
Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" University, East Java or UPN "Veteran" East Java located in Surabaya is one of the Universities in Indonesia established since July 5, 1959. UPN "Vet...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Маланг
The name 'Ma Chung' is widely recognised as one of the historical schools in Malang, East Java, from which many an alumni had graduated since 1950s. This school had established a h...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Salatiga
Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU), started out with the name Indonesian Christian Teaching Educational Tertiary Institution (PTPG-KI). It was officiated on November 30, 1956...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Маланг
STIE ASIA is a higher education institution with functions and duties that are always based on the vision of the national educational goal of building a complete Indonesian people....
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Сурабая
Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya (STTS) is a college in Surabaya, East Java. Initially STTS was named Institute of Electrical Engineering of Surabaya (ITES) which is located on the r...
Bachelor of Design
The Jakarta Art Institute (IKJ) is the only art college in the heart of the capital city of Jakarta. Academically, IKJ has been able to pioneer the development of art and art indus...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Семаранг
Founded in 1982, Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata (Soegijapranata Catholic University) is a private higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the large...
Bachelor of Design
Индонезия, Макассар
Atma Jaya University of Makassar as an institution of higher education run by Atma Jaya Higher Education Foundation, established by Notary Deed No. Joost Dumanauw. 17 dated June 9,...