Об университете

CityU operates at the centre of the educational sector of Nicosia. It is proud of its continuous progress in terms of cultural expression and creativity. CityU offers diplomas, bachelor and master level degree programmes in the areas of International Hospitality & Tourism Management, Business Administration, Retail & Merchandising Management, Hospitality & Tourism Animation and Administrative Support Officer. In addition, CityU in collaboration with the Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU) offers under franchise agreement a large variety of programmes such as 3-years Bachelor degrees in Accounting & Finance, Business, Computer Science and Management Studies and International Hospitality & Tourism Management. 1-year Master degrees in Business Administration, International Hospitality & Tourism Management, Law (LL.M.), Health Psychology and others are offered. All courses are conducted by carefully selected high-level teaching staff who can guarantee a valuable learning experience. Courses are carefully designed to equip the students with the proper educational background but also they aim in building students with the personality required to stand out in a very competitive work environment. Our courses are easily comparable to the academic programmes of other Universities giving the students the opportunity to easily transfer to other academic institutions in various countries. CityU also offers a variety of services and support to students seeking to increase their level of involvement within the institution. The College concentrates in applying the necessary policies, procedures and educational programmes of a high standard, providing the best it can be achieved to the benefit of its students.
Образовательные программы
BA in Business Administration
Язык обучения
Форма обучения
4 585 $
Стоимость для иностранных студентов
6 768 $
Стоимость для местных студентов
~ 4 585 $ / год
BA in Business and Management Studies
Язык обучения
Форма обучения
4 585 $
Стоимость для иностранных студентов
6 768 $
Стоимость для местных студентов
Гостиничный бизнес
~ 4 585 $ / год
Гостиничный бизнес
BA in International Hospitality & Tourism Management
Язык обучения
Форма обучения
4 585 $
Стоимость для иностранных студентов
6 768 $
Стоимость для местных студентов
~ 4 585 $ / год
BA in Computer Science
Язык обучения
Форма обучения
4 585 $
Стоимость для иностранных студентов
6 768 $
Стоимость для местных студентов
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