Об университете

The “Free Academy for Cognition and Design,” as the Merz Akademie was called in 1918, the year it was founded, already sought to integrate intellectual and physical work into a single process. n 1985, three years after the academy was taken over by Markus Merz, the Merz Akademie was granted state accreditation as a college of higher education [Fachhochschule] by the Ministry for Sciences and Art. Today, with the Merz Akademies clear interest in the disciplines of the humanities, social, and cultural studies, design, and art, as well technology, the university positions itself between a classical art academy, a technical college, and a humanities faculty. The fields of study are: Crossmedia Publishing, Film and Video, New Media and Visual Communication with special interest in theory and cultural studies.
Образовательные программы
Design, Art and Media
Язык обучения
Форма обучения
4 978 $
Стоимость для иностранных студентов
4 978 $
Стоимость для местных студентов
Дружелюбное отношение к иностранным студентам
The international component of our studies at the Merz Akademie has many aspects: Students can spend a practical and/or study semester abroad and meet exchange students from all over the world. The course content is oriented towards the international state of the art and discourse. Professors and lecturers are connected on an international level and integrate this into their teaching. More information here: https://www.merz-akademie.de/en/international-office/
Student apartments on campus create an intense atmosphere that encourages study, creative work and social life. In the immediate neighbourhood of the university, in the middle of a beautiful park, students of the Merz Akademie have two spacious apartments at their disposal for shared flats.
You can pay the tuition fees monthly or opt for the Income Share Agreements (ISA) model. By participating in the solidarity model of the Income Share Agreements (ISA), students can initially concentrate fully on their studies, while Chancen eG pays the fees. Information about scholarships you can find here: https://www.merz-akademie.de/en/finanzierung/
Как поступить в университет
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Чтобы подать документы в Merz Akademie, University of Applied Art, Design and Media, выполните следующие шаги. Для получения дополнительной информации об университете и процессе поступления, воспользуйтесь чатом с представителем университета.
Почему другие студенты выбирают этот университет
Merz Akademie, University of Applied Art, Design and Media
Teckstraße 58
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