Логотип Higher Institute of the Magistracy

Higher Institute of the Magistracy

Набор открыт

  • Марокко, Рабат
  • Основан в 1962 году
  • ID 1050400112

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~ 4 892 $ / год
Higher Institute of the Magistracy фотография №1
Многолетний опыт обучения Уникальная система обучения Специализированный университет

The Higher Institute of Magistracy is currently subject to many transformations and faces major challenges, because it occupies a prominent place in the development of the professional skills of the components of the judicial system and is therefore a fundamental condition In the reform of this system. After a fertile journey from its creation in 1962 to the reorganization of its organizational structure at the beginning of the third millennium, the ISM inaugurated a new era both at the level of its structure and at the level of the revision of its programs and The Higher Institute of the Judiciary aspires to guarantee the quality of initial training, to promote the level of continuing education and to extend the scope of specialized training in order to ensure professionalism and excellence . To this end, and in the context of the implementation of the provisions of the National Charter for the Reform of the Judiciary, a number of programs and initiatives are adopted, including a specific action plan based on Of the fundamental axes which consist in: Institutional upgrading of the ISM to ensure quality; The establishment of a center for research and legal and judicial studies at the Institute, with a view to developing it later as a national center for legal and judicial documentation; The revision of training programs with its various genres, be it the initial or specialized training given to the attaché of justice, the body of the secretariat and other auxiliaries of justice which the institute is responsible for training; The revision of the programs of continuing and specialized training given to the magistrates and the body of the secretariat; To provide the best material and moral conditions for the implementation of training and internship programs; Ensure professionalism through practical training programs and field studies to strengthen skills and hence promote judicial efficiency; Develop projects to promote participation in training between different judicial professions; Pursue moralization efforts and consolidate legal norms and traditions through the teaching of the code of ethics, especially that which will be developed in this respect by the General Council of the Judiciary, as well as the codes of ethics. Ethics that will be elaborated by the various bodies of the judicial professions, with the aim of mastering their rules and impregnating them. ; To develop the programs of the institute for the training of officials and agents of the State, local authorities and public and private establishments, in accordance with the tasks assigned to the Institute; Develop tools to develop communication skills at ISM The publication of legal and judicial information by the Institute; Develop the institute's website and present on-line services; Strengthen international cooperation programs. These are indeed new challenges that require the Institute to be opened up to its environment and cooperation and partnership with all the parties concerned, with a view to realizing the highlights of the 20 August 2009 Royal The comprehensive and profound reform of justice, in which His Majesty King Mohamed VI insisted on "Upgrading human resources, training, performance and evaluation plans".

Образовательные программы

Закон и юриспруденция

Master of Law & Jurisprudence

  • Арабский

    Язык обучения

  • Очная

    Форма обучения

  • 4 892 $

    Стоимость для иностранных студентов

  • 4 892 $

    Стоимость для местных студентов

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Многолетний опыт обучения Уникальная система обучения Специализированный университет


Higher Institute of the Magistracy

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