Armenia – Master programs in Design

We found 8 universities offering 8 Master programs.

Study the Master programs in Design in Armenia

  • 8


  • 8


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $497

    Tuition fees

Who is classified as a Master of Landscape Architectural Design?

After completing the bachelor's degree in landscape design, a postgraduate student can continue their studies towards the master's degree landscape design. Landscape design is the art of creating a unique and functional outdoor area. Following, a landscape designer can be classified as a botanist, florist, pedologist, as well as culturologist, architect and painter combined in one person.

What are the tasks of the Master of Landscape Architectural Design?

The main tasks of the Master of Landscape and Architectural Design include the development and application of innovations, associated with laying and cultivation of garden crops, as well as assessing the suitability of agro-landscapes, and also selecting species, breeds and varieties for various agro-ecological conditions and technologies.

Armenia – Master programs in Design statistics provides information about 8 Master programs in Design at 8 universities in Armenia. Furthermore, you can choose one of 9 Bachelor programs in Design at 9 universities and 8 Master programs in Design at 8 universities.

The largest cities offering Master programs in Design in Armenia

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Armenia.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Yerevan 7 ~ $532 Search
Yeghegnadzor 1 ~ $257 Search

Armenia – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $80


  • ~ $141


Armenia – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Armenia.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Master programs in Design in Armenia

Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts

Armenia, Yerevan

Master • 1

Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts was established in 1946. Its fundamental values have been developed throughout the decades of its existence, which unite several generations of s...

Admissions open
~ $620 / year

National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

Armenia, Yerevan

Master • 1

The history of the Armenian higher school of Architecture and Construction started in 1921, with opening of a Technical Faculty in the newly established Yerevan State University. T...

Admissions open
~ $800 / year

Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography

Armenia, Yerevan

Master • 1

YSITC was established in 1944 as Yerevan State Institute of Theatrical Arts, since 1952 Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Fine Arts, since 1994 Yerevan State Institute of Thea...

Admissions open
~ $650 / year

Gitelik Yegheghnadzor University

Armenia, Yeghegnadzor

Master • 1

Gitelik University is located in Yeghegnadzor, in the administrative center of Vayots Dzor, Republic of Armenia. It is an institution that offers undergraduate and graduate educati...

Admissions open
~ $257 / year

Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University

Armenia, Yerevan

Russian-Armenian University was established following the inter-state agreement between the Republic of Armenia and Russian Federation in 1997. During the relatively short time of...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

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