Bachelor programs in Daegu

We found 121 Bachelor programs in Daegu.

Daegu – About the city

  • 9


  • 121


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $2,594

    Tuition fees

The population of the city is 2,566,540. Daegu is number 6 in South Korea by the number of universities available on There are 9 universities offering 121 Bachelor programs in Daegu.

Daegu – What Bachelor program to choose?

The most popular Bachelor disciplines in Daegu.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in South Korea

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in South Korea.

South Korea – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $396


  • ~ $371


  • ~ $485


  • ~ $2,337


South Korea – Where to earn a Bachelor degree?

The most popular universities in Daegu.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Daegu

Yeungnam College of Science & Technology

South Korea, Daegu

Bachelor • 22

Yeungnam College of Science and Technology is a 1968 founded the Republic of Korea 's Daegu is a private college located in. It belongs to the school corporation Yeongnam Academy.

Admissions open
~ $2,600 / year

Keimyung University

South Korea, Daegu

Bachelor • 11

Keimyung University is a private university in South Korea. The university was founded in 1899 by the leaders of the Northern Presbyterian Church of the U.S. as a Christian univers...

Admissions open
~ $2,981 / year

Suseong College (Daegu Polytechnic College)

South Korea, Daegu

Bachelor • 21

Since its establishment in 1967 as a school corporation, Jinan Academy, Suseong University has been aiming to "cultivate true human resources demanded by the times." In order to ma...

Admissions open
~ $1,340 / year

Yeungjin College

South Korea, Daegu

Bachelor • 11

Yeungjin Technical School was established in March 1977, by Dr. Choi Dal-Gon to provide effective, professional technicians who will lead the nation’s industries, and to cultivate...

Admissions open
~ $2,853 / year

Kyungpook (Kyungbook) National University

South Korea, Daegu

Bachelor • 7

On July 18, Leiden University of the Netherlands released its 2017 annual global university ranking report. The Leiden Ranking, which does not use institutional reputation as an ev...

Admissions open
~ $1,600 / year

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