Takasaki – Bachelor programs in Fashion
We found 1 university offering 1 Bachelor program in Fashion in Takasaki.
Study the Bachelor programs in Fashion in Takasaki
Years of study
~ $2,000
Tuition fees
Where can the Bachelor of Fashion Communication find employment?
The Bachelor of Fashion Communication graduates can find work for a brand that holds the position of leader in the fashion business industry. The communication field gives the wide range of career opportunities, for example, graduate can become a fashion distributor, hence, a postgraduate who's employment includes providing services for clients, helping them to choose the right item, delivery method, etc.
Who should apply for a BA in Fashion Communication?
The analytics of the Free-Apply.com group recommend getting the BA degree in Fashion Communication for the graduate who is interested in the fashion industry and has the ability to become a specialist in it. The average wages for the person in this field depend on the fashion house with who the postgraduate works.
Japan, Takasaki – Bachelor programs in Fashion statistics
Free-Apply.com provides information about 1 Bachelor program in Fashion at 1 university in Takasaki, Japan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 1 Bachelor program in Fashion at 1 university.
Reasons to study in Japan
No 21 in the world education ranking
No 18 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 19 in the world economy ranking
No 2 in the world safety ranking
Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Japan
The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Fashion in Japan.
City | Universities | Tuition fees | Action |
Tokyo | 5 | ~ $8,842 | Search |
Osaka | 3 | ~ $6,534 | Search |
Nagoya | 2 | ~ $3,121 | Search |
Shizuoka | 1 | ~ $6,800 | Search |
Kawasaki | 1 | ~ $9,000 | Search |
Takasaki | 1 | ~ $2,000 | Search |
Iwakuni | 1 | ~ $5,842 | Search |
Dazaifu | 1 | ~ $7,507 | Search |
Kobe | 1 | ~ $12,240 | Search |
Beppu | 1 | ~ $780 | Search |
Hiroshima | 1 | ~ $5,636 | Search |
Takarazuka | 1 | ~ $8,993 | Search |
Gifu-shi | 1 | ~ $4,800 | Search |
Hachioji | 1 | ~ $10,100 | Search |
Gobo | 1 | ~ $4,768 | Search |
Kitakyushu | 1 | ~ $10,500 | Search |
Atsugi | 1 | ~ $9,630 | Search |
Fukuoka | 1 | ~ $4,593 | Search |
Japan – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $614
~ $514
~ $426
~ $2,542
Takasaki – Where to study?
The most popular universities in Takasaki.
100% discount for the 1st year
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