Hiroshima – Bachelor programs in Engineering

We found 7 universities offering 7 Bachelor programs in Engineering in Hiroshima.

Study the Bachelor programs in Engineering in Hiroshima

  • 7


  • 7


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $6,633

    Tuition fees

What jobs are available after completing a Bachelor's degree in Automotive Engineering?

A graduate with a degree in the field of Automotive Engineering can get a position as an automotive engineer, a test engineer, a motorsport systems engineer, a prototype engineer. The possible employers are companies that manufacture systems and components, engines, automotive and equipment.

What are the reasons to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Automotive Engineering?

Free-Apply.com company specialists recommend obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Automotive Engineering as this study has good career prospects and provides a comfortable work environment. The Automotive Engineering Bachelor’s degree creates possibilities to realize creativity in the designing of new vehicles.

Japan, Hiroshima – Bachelor programs in Engineering statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 7 Bachelor programs in Engineering at 7 universities in Hiroshima, Japan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 7 Bachelor programs in Engineering at 7 universities, 6 Master programs in Engineering at 6 universities, and 3 PhD programs in Engineering at 3 universities.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Japan

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Engineering in Japan.

Japan – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $614


  • ~ $514


  • ~ $426


  • ~ $2,542


Hiroshima – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Hiroshima.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Engineering in Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima University

Japan, Hiroshima

Bachelor • 1

Hiroshima University was established in 1874 as Hakushima School, but after various transitions, it was combined with eight other schools and re-established in 1949 as the new Hiro...

Admissions open
~ $4,715 / year

Hiroshima International University

Japan, Hiroshima

Bachelor • 1

Hiroshima International University is working to develop individuals who are capable of understanding international issues from a broad perspective. As one part of this education,...

Admissions open
~ $7,307 / year

Hiroshima-Kokusai Gakuin University

Japan, Hiroshima

Bachelor • 1

With the Department of Engineering and Department of Information Culture, Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University is the only university in Hiroshima City with both humanities and scie...

Admissions open
~ $6,176 / year

Hiroshima National College of Maritime Technology

Japan, Hiroshima

Bachelor • 1

Hiroshima National College of Maritime Technology is one of five national colleges of maritime technology in Japan. Graduates can earn deck mariner or engineer qualifications. The...

Admissions open
~ $6,033 / year

Hiroshima Institute of Technology

Japan, Hiroshima

Bachelor • 1

Hiroshima Institute of Technology (Faculty of Engineering) was established in 1963, building on the foundations put in place two years previously with the establishment of Hiroshi...

Admissions open
~ $7,403 / year

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