Bachelor programs in Liege

We found 63 Bachelor programs in Liege.

Liege – About the city

  • 5


  • 63


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $652

    Tuition fees

The population of the city is 182,597. Liege is number 2 in Belgium by the number of universities available on There are 5 universities offering 63 Bachelor programs in Liege.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Belgium

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in Belgium.

Belgium – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $205


  • ~ $683


  • ~ $337


  • ~ $2,137


Belgium – Where to earn a Bachelor degree?

The most popular universities in Liege.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Liege

High School Free Mosane Isell

Belgium, Liege

Bachelor • 17

La Haute Ecole HELMo est une institution d'enseignement supérieur qui propose des formations dans les domaines pédagogique, paramédical, social, technique et économique. La premièr...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

High School of the City of Liège

Belgium, Liege

Bachelor • 9

La Haute École de la Ville de Liège (HEL) a été créée en septembre 1996 dans le cadre du décret du 5 août 1995 fixant l'organisation générale de l'enseignement supérieur en Hautes...

Admissions open
~ $1,056 / year

Royal Conservatoire of Liège

Belgium, Liege

Bachelor • 1

The Royal Conservatoire of Liège (RCL) is one of four conservatories in the French Community of Belgium that offers higher education courses in music and theatre. Located at 29 Pie...

Admissions open
~ $370 / year

University of Liège

Belgium, Liege

Bachelor • 34

The University of Liège (abbreviated ULg), is a Belgian public and pluralistic university located in Liège. Founded in 1817 in the buildings of the former Jesuit college, the unive...

Admissions open
~ $397 / year

ESA Saint-Luc Liège

Belgium, Liege

Bachelor • 2

Like all Saint-Luc schools, ESA Saint-Luc Liège is founded by the Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Their main objective is to train, with a spirit of opennes...

Admissions open
~ $350 / year

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