Bachelor programs in Belgium

We found 61 universities with 581 programs in Belgium.

About the Bachelor in Belgium

  • 61


  • 581


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $1,444

    Tuition fees

Typical Bachelors Completion Time-Bachelor’s degree programs by default to take four years to complete. However, there are also other types of programs that are intended to take students different time lengths. The National Center for Education Statistics tracks the percentage of students who graduate from a four-year bachelor’s degree programs within 150% of completion time. For example, first-year, full-time students who began a bachelor’s degree programs in 2008, 60% finished within six years. That amount was only 58% for public universities; however, it was 65% for private nonprofit schools. Interestingly the six-year graduation rate concerning bachelor’s degree programs stood at only 27% from private profit-driven institutions.

Belgium – Bachelor programs statistics provides information about 581 programs at 61 universities in Belgium. Furthermore, you can choose one of 581 Bachelor programs at 61 universities, 433 Master programs at 53 universities, and 132 PhD programs at 18 universities.

Belgium – What Bachelor program to study?

The most popular Bachelor disciplines in Belgium.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Belgium

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Belgium.

Belgium – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $205


  • ~ $683


  • ~ $337


  • ~ $2,137


Where to obtain a Bachelor program in Belgium

The most popular student cities in Belgium.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Belgium.

Ghent University

Belgium, Gent

Bachelor • 46

Ghent University (Dutch: Universiteit Gent, abbreviated as UGent) is a public research university located in Ghent, Belgium. It was established in 1817 by King William I of the Net...

Admissions open
~ $984 / year

University of Antwerp

Belgium, Antwerpen

Bachelor • 27

The university's roots go back to Sint-Ignatius Handelshogeschool (Saint-Ignatius School for Higher Education in Commerce) founded by the Jesuit (Society of Jesus) in Antwerp in 18...

Admissions open
~ $984 / year

Catholic University of Louvain

Belgium, Louvain-la-Neuve

Bachelor • 37

For the history of the university prior to 1968, see Catholic University of Leuven (1834–1968) The Catholic University of Leuven, based in Leuven ("Louvain" in French), 30 km east...

Admissions open
~ $4,095 / year

University of Saint Louis

Belgium, Brussels

Bachelor • 11

Our university boasts 4 Faculties spanning the spectrum of the human and social sciences and an Institute for European Studies. Together, they offer a broad range of Bachelor’s, Ma...

Admissions open
~ $4,360 / year

Odisee University College

Belgium, Brussels

Bachelor • 18

The university college vzw Odisee is the result of a merger between two Flemish university colleges, Hogeschool‑Universiteit Brussel (HUB) and Katholieke Hogeschool Sint‑Lieven (KA...

Admissions open
~ $1,021 / year

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