Angola – Bachelor programs in Psychology

We found 9 universities offering 9 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Psychology in Angola

  • 9


  • 9


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $907

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Psychology?

A bachelor's degree in psychology is for students who are interested in studying individual and social behavior which encompasses mind, cognition, personality theory, perception, and brain functioning. This degree offers different specializations in Psychology, such as Sports Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Correctional Psychology, etc.

What are the subjects covered by a graduate student of Psychology?

The subjects studied by a graduate student in Psychology strongly depend on the chosen profession. The possible areas of study covered in a Psychologists degree include counselling, studying motivations, perception, helping to solve conflicts, correcting behavioral disorders.

Angola – Bachelor programs in Psychology statistics provides information about 9 Bachelor programs in Psychology at 9 universities in Angola. Furthermore, you can choose one of 9 Bachelor programs in Psychology at 9 universities and 4 Master programs in Psychology at 4 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Psychology in Angola

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Angola.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Luanda 5 ~ $813 Search
Huambo 1 ~ $999 Search
Cabinda 1 ~ $1,009 Search

Angola – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $105


Angola – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Angola.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

Apply now and get a 100% tuition fee discount for the first year of studies

Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Psychology in Angola

Lusíada University


Bachelor • 1

A Fundação Minerva - Cultura - Ensino e Investigação Científica viu o seu interesse público reconhecido pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 117/2003, de 14 de Junho, tendo sido instituída mediant...

Admissions open
~ $1,093 / year

Polytechnic University of the Rising Sun, Huambo

Angola, Huambo

Bachelor • 1

the Instituto Superior Politécnico Sol Nascente. As derived from our motto, honor - labor - meritum, NAS NASCENTE is not only meant to be an institution of higher education, but a...

Admissions open
~ $999 / year

Jean Piaget University of Angola

Angola, Luanda

Bachelor • 1

Universidade Jean Piaget de Angola (Jean Piaget University of Angola) is a university in based in Luanda, Angola, with campuses in the Benguela province. As of 2005, the university...

Admissions open
~ $151 / year

Catholic University of Angola

Angola, Luanda

Bachelor • 1

The Catholic University of Angola (Universidade Católica de Angola, UCAN) is a Catholic institution in Angola's capital of Luanda. On 7 August 1992, the government of Angola allowe...

Admissions open
~ $2,500 / year

Higher Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations

Angola, Luanda

Bachelor • 1

With the aim of approaching the creation of the Higher Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations (CIS), located in Talatona, Luanda Sul (Angola), we present here a b...

Admissions open
~ $1,083 / year

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