Venezuela – Master programs in Accounting

We found 10 universities offering 10 Master programs.

Study the Master programs in Accounting in Venezuela

  • 10


  • 10


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $686

    Tuition fees

Who is the master of accounting?

Accounting is the process of detection, measurement, registration, accumulation, generalization, storage and transmission of information about the activities of the enterprise to external and internal users for decision-making. The position of an accountant is one of the most popular professions in the field of economics and finance. Accountants check all the data on profits and losses as well as consider income charges salaries and solves all the problems with the tax services.

What are the basic tasks of the master of accounting?

The duties of an accountant holding a Master in Accounting include the management of tax and management accounting, the payment of salaries to employees of the company or enterprise, payment of civil contracts, the implementation of works aimed at reducing the cost of tax deductions, and the submission of tax reports.

Venezuela – Master programs in Accounting statistics provides information about 10 Master programs in Accounting at 10 universities in Venezuela. Furthermore, you can choose one of 10 Bachelor programs in Accounting at 10 universities, 10 Master programs in Accounting at 10 universities, and 1 PhD program in Accounting at 1 university.

The largest cities offering Master programs in Accounting in Venezuela

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Venezuela.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Caracas 4 ~ $728 Search
Ciudad Ojeda 1 ~ $540 Search
Ciudad Bolivar 1 ~ $780 Search
Maracaibo 1 ~ $538 Search

Venezuela – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $63


  • ~ $142


  • ~ $156


  • ~ $32


Venezuela – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Venezuela.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Master programs in Accounting in Venezuela

University Alonso de Ojeda

Venezuela, Ciudad Ojeda

Master • 1

Alonso de Ojeda University is a private university located in Ciudad Ojeda, l Zulia State, Venezuela. The project to create the Alonso de Ojeda University dates back to 1997 with t...

Admissions open
~ $540 / year

University Francisco de Miranda

Venezuela, Caracas

Master • 1

The University College Francisco de Miranda (CUFM) is a Venezuelan institution attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, is located administratively in th...

Admissions open
~ $1,300 / year

Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana

Venezuela, Ciudad Bolivar

Master • 1

The National Experimental University of Guayana (UNEG) is a public university located in Bolívar state with its main headquarters in Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela; Founded on March 9,...

Admissions open
~ $780 / year

Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Lara Andres Eloy Blanco


Master • 1

The Polytechnic University of Lara Andrés Eloy Blanco (UPTAEB) is a public institution of higher education of technological character, located in the city of Barquisimeto, Venezuel...

Admissions open
~ $713 / year

University of Westminster Lisandro Alvarado


Master • 1

Lisandro Alvarado University was established on September 22 of 1962 by Executive Order No. 845, which provided for the establishment of the Experimental Centre for Advanced Studie...

Admissions open
~ $716 / year

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